
acos library function
acosd library function
acosh library function
alternate tools and paths
annuity library function
ANSI/ISO standard
asin library function
asind library function
asinh library function
atan library function
atan2 library function
atand library function
atand2 library function
atanh library function

built-in functions

C_INCLUDE_PATH enviroment variable
cabs library function
cacos library function
cacosh library function
carg library function
casin library function
casinh library function
catan library function
catanh library function
cbrt library function
ccos library function
ccosh library function
ceil library function
cexp library function
cexp10 library function
cimag library function
cis library function
class libraries
   About the Classes
   C++ Classes and SIMD Operations
   Details About the Libraries
   Hardware and Software Requirements
    floating-point vector classes
       Arithmetic Operators
       Cacheability Support Operations
       Classes Quick Reference
       Compare Operators
       Conditional Select Operators for Fvec Classes
       Constructors and Initialization
       Fvec Notation Conventions
       Load and Store Operators
       Logical Operations
       Minimum and Maximum Operators
       Move Mask Operator
       Overview: Floating-point Vector Classes
       Programming Example
       Unpack Operators for Fvec Operators
    integer vector classes
       Addition and Subtraction Operators
       Assignment Operator
       Clear MMX(TM) State Operator
       Comparison Operators
       Conditional Select Operators
       Conversions between Fvec and Ivec
       Integer Intrinsics for Streaming SIMD Extensions
       Logical Operators
       Multiplication Operators
       Overview: Integer Vector Classes
       Pack Operator
       Rules for Operators
       Shift Operators
       Terms, Conventions, and Syntax Defined
       Unpack Operators
clog library function
clog2 library function
code-coverage tool
    and linking
    for non-shared libraries
    from the command line
    phases of
    with alternate tools and paths
    with make
compound library function
configuration files
conj library function
    for class libraries
    for compiler options
    for document
    for intrinsics
copysign library function
cos library function
cosd library function
cosh library function
cot library function
cotd library function
CPATH enviroment variable
CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH enviroment variable
cpow library function
cproj library function
cpu dispatch
creal library function
csin library function
csinh library function
csqrt library function
ctan library function
ctanh library function

data alignment
data dependence
    compiler behavior
    compiler options
denormal results
    C++ library
dynamic linking

EBP register
ECCCFG enviroment variable
ECPCCFG enviroment variable
EMMS Instruction
    setting with iccvars.sh
erf library function
erfc library function
exp library function
exp10 library function
exp2 library function
expm1 library function

fabs library function
fdim library function
    and benefits
    for compiler input
    for precompiled headers
finite library function
floating-point vector classes
floor library function
flushing denormal results
fma library function
fmax library function
fmin library function
fmod library function
frexp library function
function splitting

gamma library function
gamma_r library function
    compatibility with
    interoperability with
    language extensions
gcc function attributes
global symbols
    C library

hypot library function

i386 predefined macro
IA32ROOT enviroment variable
ia64 predefined macro
IA64ROOT enviroment variable
ICCCFG enviroment variable
ICPCCFG enviroment variable
ilogb library function
include files
    searching for
inline expansion
   Controlling Inline Expansion of User Functions
   Criteria for Inline Function Expansion
integer vector classes
Intel extensions
Intel math library
   Complex Functions
   Exponential Functions
   Hyperbolic Functions
   Intel math library
   Miscellaneous Functions
   Nearest Integer Functions
   Remainder Functions
   Special Functions
   Trigonometric Functions
intermediate language
    benefits of using
    for cross-processor implementation
       Intrinsics Cross-processor Implementation
       Intrinsics for Implementation Across All IA
       MMX(TM) Technology Intrinsics Implementation
       Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 Intrinsics Implementation
       Streaming SIMD Extensions Implementation
    for data alignment
       Alignment Support
       Allocating and Freeing Aligned Memory Blocks
       Overview: Data Alignment, Memory Allocation Intrinsics, and Inline Assembly
    for Itanium(R) processor
       Conversion Intrinsics
       Intrinsics for Itanium(R) Instructions
       Load and Store
       Lock and Atomic Operation Related Intrinsics
       Multimedia Additions
       Native Intrinsics for Itanium(R) Instructions
       Operating System Related Intrinsics
       Register Names for getReg library function and setReg library function
    for new Intel processors
       Floating-point Vector Intrinsics
       Integer Vector Intrinsics
       Macro Functions
       Miscellaneous Intrinsics
       Overview: New IA-32 Intrinsics
    MMX(TM) Technology
       MMX(TM) Technology Compare Intrinsics
       MMX(TM) Technology General Support Intrinsics
       MMX(TM) Technology Intrinsics on Itanium Architecture
       MMX(TM) Technology Logical Intrinsics
       MMX(TM) Technology Packed Arithmetic Intrinsics
       MMX(TM) Technology Set Intrinsics
       MMX(TM) Technology Shift Intrinsics
    overview of
    Streaming SIMD Extensions
       Arithmetic Operations for the Streaming SIMD Extensions
       Cacheability Support Using Streaming SIMD Extensions
       Comparisons for the Streaming SIMD Extensions
       Conversion Operations for the Streaming SIMD Extensions
       Floating-point Intrinsics for Streaming SIMD Extensions
       Integer Intrinsics Using Streaming SIMD Extensions
       Load Operations for the Streaming SIMD Extensions
       Logical Operations for the Streaming SIMD Extensions
       Macro Function for Matrix Transposition
       Macro Function for Shuffle Using Streaming SIMD Extensions
       Macro Functions to Read and Write the Control Registers
       Memory and Initialization Using Streaming SIMD Extensions
       Miscellaneous Intrinsics Using Streaming SIMD Extensions
       Overview: Streaming SIMD Extensions
       Set Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions
       Store Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions
       Using Streaming SIMD Extensions on Itanium(R) Architecture
    Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
           Comparison Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
           Conversion Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
           Floating-point Arithmetic Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
           Load Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
           Logical Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
           Miscellaneous Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
           Set Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
           Store Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
           Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 Floating-point Memory and Initialization Operations
           Cacheability Support Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
           Conversion Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
           Integer Arithmetic Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
           Integer Comparison Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
           Integer Load Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
           Integer Logical Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
           Integer Memory and Initialization for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
           Integer Set Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
           Integer Shift Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
           Integer Store Operations for the Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
           Macro Function for Shuffle
           Miscellaneous Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
    usage syntax
isnan library function

j0 library function
j1 library function
jn library function

KMP_LIBRARY environment variable
KMP_STACKSIZE environment variable

language conformance
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
ldexp library function
legal information
lgamma library function
lgamma_r library function
    linking to
linux predefined macro
llrint library function
llround library function
log library function
log10 library function
log1p library function
log2 library function
logb library function
loop transformation
loop unrolling
lrint library function
lround library function

math library
matrix multiplication
modf library function

nearbyint library function
nextafter library function
nexttoward library function

OMP_DYNAMIC environment variable
OMP_NESTED environment variable
OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable
   Auto-parallelization: Enabling, Options, and Environment Variables
   OpenMP* Environment Variables
OMP_SCHEDULE environment variable
   Auto-parallelization: Enabling, Options, and Environment Variables
   OpenMP* Environment Variables
   Compiling with OpenMP*, Directive Format, and Diagnostics
   Example Function
   Examples of OpenMP* Usage
   Intel Extensions
   OpenMP* Directives and Clauses
   OpenMP* Environment Variables
   OpenMP* Runtime Library Routines
   OpenMP* Support Libraries
   Overview: Intel Workqueuing Model
   Overview: Parallelization with OpenMP*
   Parallel Processing Thread Model
    for floating-point precision
       Floating-point Arithmetic Options for Itanum(R)-based Systems
       Floating-point Arithmetic Precision
    for Intel processors
       Auto CPU Dispatch
       Combining Processor Optimization and Auto CPU Dispatch (IA-32 only)
       Processor Optimization (IA-32 only)
       Processor-specific Optimization (IA-32 only)
    high-level language
       Absence of Loop-carried Memory Dependency with IVDEP Directive
       Loop Transformations
       Loop Unrolling
       Overview: High-level Language Optimization
       Analyzing the Effects of Multifile IPO
       Compilation with Real Object Files
       Creating a Multifile IPO Executable
       Creating a Multifile IPO Executable with xild
       Criteria for Inline Function Expansion
       Interprocedural Optimization Options
       Overview: Interprocedural Optimizations
       Overview: Multifile IPO
       Using -ip or -ipo with -Qoption Specifiers
    parallel programming
       Auto-parallelization Threshold Control and Diagnostics
       Auto-parallelization: Enabling, Options, and Environment Variables
       Compiling with OpenMP*, Directive Format, and Diagnostics
       Example Function
       Examples of OpenMP* Usage
       Intel Extensions
       OpenMP* Directives and Clauses
       OpenMP* Environment Variables
       OpenMP* Runtime Library Routines
       OpenMP* Support Libraries
       Overview: Auto-parallelization
       Overview: Intel Workqueuing Model
       Overview: Parallel Programming
       Overview: Parallelization with OpenMP*
       Parallel Processing Thread Model
       Programming with Auto-parallelization
       Basic PGO Options
       Code-coverage Tool
       Dumping and Resetting Profile Information
       Dumping Profile Information
       Environment Variable
       Example of Profile-guided Optimization
       Interval Profile Dumping
       Overview: Profile-guided Optimizations
       PGO API Support Overview
       PGO Environment Variables
       Profile-guided Optimizations Methodology
       Resetting the Dynamic Profile Counters
       Test-prioritization Tool
       Using profmerge to Relocate the Source Files
       Data Dependence
       Language Support and Directives
       Loop Constructs
       Loop Exit Conditions
       Loop Interchange and Subscripts: Matrix Multiply
       Loop Parallelization and Vectorization
       Overview: Vectorization
       Some Vectorization Examples
       Statements in the Loop Body
       Stripmining and Cleanup
       Types of Loops Vectorized
       Vectorization Key Programming Guidelines
       Vectorizer Options
    cross reference
    quick reference
