Load and Store Operators

Loads two, double-precision floating-point values, copying them into the two, floating-point values of A. No assumption is made for alignment.

void loadu(F64vec2 A, double *p)
Corresponding intrinsic: _mm_loadu_pd

Stores the two, double-precision floating-point values of A. No assumption is made for alignment.

void storeu(float *p, F64vec2 A);
Corresponding intrinsic: _mm_storeu_pd

Loads four, single-precision floating-point values, copying them into the four floating-point values of A. No assumption is made for alignment.

void loadu(F32vec4 A, double *p)
Corresponding intrinsic: _mm_loadu_ps

Stores the four, single-precision floating-point values of A. No assumption is made for alignment.

void storeu(float *p, F32vec4 A);
Corresponding intrinsic: _mm_storeu_ps