MMX(TM) Technology Compare Intrinsics

The prototypes for MMX(TM) technology intrinsics are in the mmintrin.h header file.

Comparison Number of
Bit Size
_m_pcmpeqb _mm_cmpeq_pi8 Equal 8 8 PCMPEQB
_m_pcmpeqw _mm_cmpeq_pi16 Equal 4 16 PCMPEQW
_m_pcmpeqd _mm_cmpeq_pi32 Equal 2 32 PCMPEQD
_m_pcmpgtb _mm_cmpgt_pi8 Greater Than 8 8 PCMPGTB
_m_pcmpgtw _mm_cmpgt_pi16 Greater Than 4 16 PCMPGTW
_m_pcmpgtd _mm_cmpgt_pi32 Greater Than 2 32 PCMPGTD

__m64 _m_pcmpeqb(__m64 m1, __m64 m2)

If the respective 8-bit values in m1 are equal to the respective 8-bit values in m2 set the respective 8-bit resulting values to all ones, otherwise set them to all zeros.

__m64 _m_pcmpeqw(__m64 m1, __m64 m2)

If the respective 16-bit values in m1 are equal to the respective 16-bit values in m2 set the respective 16-bit resulting values to all ones, otherwise set them to all zeros.

__m64 _m_pcmpeqd(__m64 m1, __m64 m2)

If the respective 32-bit values in m1 are equal to the respective 32-bit values in m2 set the respective 32-bit resulting values to all ones, otherwise set them to all zeros.

__m64 _m_pcmpgtb(__m64 m1, __m64 m2)

If the respective 8-bit values in m1 are greater than the respective 8-bit values in m2 set the respective 8-bit resulting values to all ones, otherwise set them to all zeros.

__m64 _m_pcmpgtw(__m64 m1, __m64 m2)

If the respective 16-bit values in m1 are greater than the respective 16-bit values in m2 set the respective 16-bit resulting values to all ones, otherwise set them to all zeros.

__m64 _m_pcmpgtd(__m64 m1, __m64 m2)

If the respective 32-bit values in m1 are greater than the respective 32-bit values in m2 set the respective 32-bit resulting values to all ones, otherwise set them all to zeros.