Shift Operators

The right shift argument can be any integer or Ivec value, and is implicitly converted to a M64 data type. The first or left operand of a << can be of any type except I[s|u]8vec[8|16] .

Example Syntax Usage for Shift Operators

/* Automatic size and sign conversion */

Is16vec4 A,C;

Iu32vec2 B;

C = A;

/* A&B returns I16vec4, which must be cast to Iu16vec4

to ensure logical shift, not arithmetic shift */

Is16vec4 A, C;

Iu16vec4 B, R;

R = (Iu16vec4)(A & B) C;

/* A&B returns I16vec4, which must be cast to Is16vec4

to ensure arithmetic shift, not logical shift */

R = (Is16vec4)(A & B) C;

Shift Operators with Corresponding Intrinsics

Operation Symbols Syntax Usage Intrinsic
Shift Left <<
R = A << B
R &= A
Shift Right >> R = A >> B
R >>= A

Right shift operations with signed data types use arithmetic shifts. All unsigned and intermediate classes correspond to logical shifts. The table below shows how the return type is determined by the first argument type.

Shift Operator Overloading

Operation R Right Shift Left Shift A B
Logical I64vec1 >> >>= << <<= I64vec1 A; I64vec1 B;
Logical I32vec2 >> >>= << <<= I32vec2 A I32vec2 B;
Arithmetic Is32vec2 >> >>= << <<= Is32vec2 A I[s|u][N]vec[N] B;
Logical Iu32vec2 >> >>= << <<= Iu32vec2 A I[s|u][N]vec[N] B;
Logical I16vec4 >> >>= << <<= I16vec4 A I16vec4 B
Arithmetic Is16vec4 >> >>= << <<= Is16vec4 A I[s|u][N]vec[N] B;
Logical Iu16vec4 >> >>= << <<= Iu16vec4 A I[s|u][N]vec[N] B;