Special Functions

The Intel Math library supports the following special functions:


Description: The annuity function computes the present value factor for an annuity, (1 - (1+x)(-y) ) / x, where x is a rate and y is a period.

errno: ERANGE, for underflow and overflow conditions

Calling interface:

double annuity(double x, double y);
long double annuity(double x, double y);
float annuityf(float x, double y);


Description: The compound function computes the compound interest factor, (1+x)y, where x is a rate and y is a period.

errno: ERANGE, for underflow and overflow conditions

Calling interface:

double compound(double x, double y);
long double compound(double x, double y);
float compoundf(float x, double y);


Description: The erf function returns the error function value.

Calling interface:

double erf(double x);
long double erfl(long double x);
float erff(float x);


Description: The erfc function returns the complementary error function value.

errno: ERANGE, for underflow conditions

Calling interface:

double erfc(double x);
long double erfcl(long double x);
float erfcf(float x);


Description: The gamma function returns the value of the logarithm of the absolute value of gamma.

errno: ERANGE, for overflow conditions

Calling interface:

double gamma(double x);
float gammaf(float x);


Description: The gamma_r function returns the value of the logarithm of the absolute value of gamma. The sign of the gamma func­tion is returned in the integer signgam.

Calling interface:

double gamma_r(double x, int *signgam);
float gammaf_r(float x, int *signgam);


Description: Computes the Bessel function (of the first kind) of x with order 0.

Calling interface:

double j0(double x);
float j0f(float x);


Description: Computes the Bessel function (of the first kind) of x with order 1.

Calling interface:

double j1(double x);
float j1f(float x);


Description: Computes the Bessel function (of the first kind) of x with order n.

Calling interface:

double jn(int n, double x);
float jnf(int n, float x);


Description: The lgamma function returns the value of the logarithm of the absolute value of gamma.

errno: ERANGE, for overflow conditions

Calling interface:

double lgamma(double x);
long double lgammal(long double x);
float lgammaf(float x);


Description: The lgamma_r function returns the value of the logarithm of the absolute value of gamma. The sign of the gamma func­tion is returned in the integer signgam.

errno: ERANGE, for overflow conditions, x=0 or negative integers.

Calling interface:

double lgamma_r(double x, int *signgam);
long double lgamma_r(double x, int *signgam);
float lgammaf_r(float x, int *signgam);


Description: The tgamma function computes the gamma function of x.

errno: EDOM, for x=0 or negative integers.

Calling interface:

double tgamma(double x);
long double tgammal(long double x);
float tgammaf(float x);


Description: Computes the Bessel function (of the second kind) of x with order 0.

errno: EDOM, for x <= 0

Calling interface:

double y0(double x);
float y0f(float x);


Description: Computes the Bessel function (of the second kind) of x with order 1.

errno: EDOM, for x <= 0

Calling interface:

double y1(double x);
float y1f(float x);


Description: Computes the Bessel function (of the second kind) of x with order n.

errno: EDOM, for x <= 0

Calling interface:

double yn(int n, double x);
float ynf(int n, float x);