Default Compiler Options

Option Description
-c99 Enables C99 support for C programs
-falias Assume aliasing in program.
-ffnalias Assume aliasing within functions
-gcc-version=320 This option provides compatible behavior with gcc, where nnn indicates the gcc version. This version of the Intel compiler supports -gcc-version=320 (Default).
-mcpu=pentium4 Optimizes for Pentium® 4 processor (IA-32 systems only).
-mcpu=itanium2 Optimizes for Itanium 2 processor (Itanium-based systems only)
-O2 Same as -O1 on IA-32. Same as -O on Itanium-based systems.
-Ob1 Enables inlining of functions declared with the __inline keyword. Also enables inlining according to the C++ language.
IA-32 only
Set internal FPU precision to 64-bit significand.
-prefetch Enables the insertion of software prefetching by the compiler.
IA-32 only
Disables the saving of compiler options and version information in the executable file.
-std=c99 Enable C99 support for C programs.
systems only
Target optimization to the Itanium® 2 processor. Generated code is compatible with the Itanium processor.
IA-32 only
Targets optimizations for the Intel Pentium 4 processors, Intel® Xeon(TM) processors, Intel® Pentium® M processors, and Intel processors code-named "Prescott".
-w1 Control diagnostics. Displays warnings and errors.
-Zp16 Packs structures on 16 byte boundaries.