-[no]altparam compiler option
-[no]logo compiler option
-align compiler option
-ansi_alias compiler option
-assume compiler option
   Efficient Compilation
   Improving I/O Performance
-auto compiler option
-auto_ilp32 compiler option
-auto_scalar compiler option
-automatic compiler option
-ax{K|W|N|B|P} compiler option
   Coding Guidelines for Intel Architectures
   Setting Optimizations with -On Options
   Vectorizer Options
-backtrace compiler option
-c compiler option
   Creating a Multifile IPO Executable with Command Line
   Efficient Compilation
-ccdefault compiler option
-check compiler option
-common_args compiler option
-double_size {n} compiler option
-dps compiler option
-error_limit n compiler option
-fast compiler option
   Efficient Compilation#improve
   Setting Optimizations with -On Options
-fminshared compiler option
-fno_common compiler option
-fnsplit- compiler option
-fp compiler option
    -fp summary
-fp_port compiler option
-fpe{n} compiler option
-fpic compiler option
-fpstkchk compiler option
   Stacks: Automatic Allocation and Checking#fpstkchk
   What's New in This Release
-ftz compiler option
   Coding Guidelines for Intel Architectures
   Floating-point Arithmetic Precision Overview#ftz
-fvisibility-keyword=file compiler option
-fvisibility=keyword compiler option
-g compiler option
-iface compiler option
-inline_debug_info compiler option
-integer_size{n} compiler option
    -integer_size 32
-ip compiler option
   Controlling Inline Expansion of User Functions
   Criteria for Inline Function Expansion
   Example of Profile-Guided Optimization
   Inline Expansion of Library Functions
   IPO Overview
   Optimizer Report Generation
   Restricting Optimizations
   Using -ip with -Qoption Specifiers
-ip_no_inlining compiler option
   Controlling Inline Expansion of User Functions
   Default Compiler Optimizations
-ip_no_pinlining compiler option
-IPF_flt_eval_method{0|2} compiler option
-IPF_fltacc compiler option
-IPF_fma compiler option
-IPF_fp_speculation compiler option
-ipo compiler option
-ipo_c compiler option
-ipo_obj compiler option
   Compilation with Real Object Files
   Criteria for Inline Function Expansion
   Default Compiler Optimizations
   Vectorizer Options
-ipo_S compiler option
-ivdep_parallel compiler option
   Absence of Loop-carried Memory Dependency with IVDEP Directive
   HLO Overview
   Vectorization Support
-libdir keyword compiler option
-mp compiler option
-mp1 compiler option
-noalign compiler option
-noauto compiler option
-noauto_scalar compiler option
-noautomatic compiler option
-nobuffered_io keyword
-nolib_inline compiler option
   Inline Expansion of Library Functions
   Restricting Optimizations
-nologo compiler option
-nosave compiler option
-nozero compiler option
-O compiler option
-o filename compiler option
   Creating a Library from IPO Objects
   Creating a Multifile IPO Executable with Command Line
-O0 compiler option
   Default Compiler Optimizations#disable
   Optimizations and Debugging
   Restricting Optimizations
   Setting Optimizations with -On Options
-O1 compiler option
   Efficient Compilation#improve
   Setting Optimizations with -On Options
-O2 compiler option
   Alignment Options
   Auto-parallelization: Enabling, Options, Directives, and Environment Variables
   Compiling with OpenMP, Directive Format, and Diagnostics
   Default Compiler Optimizations
   Efficient Compilation
   Efficient Compilation#improve
   Example of Profile-Guided Optimization
   Floating-point Arithmetic Precision Overview
   HLO Overview
   Improving Runtime Efficiency
   Optimizations and Debugging
   Optimizing Different Application Types Overview
   Restricting Optimizations
   Scalar Replacement (IA-32 Only)
   Setting Optimizations with -On Options
   Vectorizer Options
    O2 optimizations
       Optimizations and Debugging
       Setting Optimizations with -On Options
    O2 option
       Floating-point Arithmetic Precision for ItaniumŪ-based Systems
       Floating-point Arithmetic Precision Overview
       HLO Overview
       Restricting Optimizations
       Setting Optimizations with -On Options
-O3 compiler option
   Basic PGO Options
   Coding Guidelines for Intel Architectures
   Floating-point Arithmetic Precision for ItaniumŪ-based Systems
   Floating-point Arithmetic Precision Overview
   HLO Overview
   Optimizations and Debugging
   Setting Optimizations with -On Options
   Vectorizer Options
       Floating-point Arithmetic Precision for ItaniumŪ-based Systems
       Floating-point Arithmetic Precision Overview
       Optimizations and Debugging
       Setting Optimizations with -On Options
-Ob{n} compiler option
       Controlling Inline Expansion of User Functions
       Default Compiler Optimizations
       Controlling Inline Expansion of User Functions
       Default Compiler Optimizations
-On compiler option
   Optimizing Different Application Types Overview
   Setting Optimizations with -On Options
-openmp compiler option
   Compiling with OpenMP, Directive Format, and Diagnostics
   Parallelism: an Overview
-openmp_report{n} compiler option
   Compiling with OpenMP, Directive Format, and Diagnostics
   Parallelism: an Overview
       Compiling with OpenMP, Directive Format, and Diagnostics
       Default Compiler Optimizations
-openmp_stubs compiler option
   Intel Extension Routines
   Parallelism: an Overview
-opt_report{n} compiler option
       Default Compiler Optimizations
       Optimizer Report Generation
    -opt_report_phasephase option
-par_report{n} compiler option
   Auto-parallelization Threshold Control and Diagnostics
   Auto-parallelization Threshold Control and Diagnostics#diag
   Auto-parallelization: Enabling, Options, Directives, and Environment Variables
   Parallelism: an Overview
    -par_report Output
       Auto-parallelization Threshold Control and Diagnostics
       Default Compiler Optimizations
       Parallelism: an Overview
-par_threshold{n} compiler option
   Auto-parallelization Threshold Control and Diagnostics
   Auto-parallelization: Enabling, Options, Directives, and Environment Variables
   Parallelism: an Overview
-parallel compiler option
-pc{n} compiler option
   Default Compiler Optimizations
   Floating-point Arithmetic Precision for IA-32 Systems
    pc32 compiler option
       Default Compiler Optimizations
       Floating-point Arithmetic Precision for IA-32 Systems
        24-bit significand
       Default Compiler Optimizations
       Floating-point Arithmetic Precision for IA-32 Systems
        53-bit significand
       Default Compiler Optimizations
       Floating-point Arithmetic Precision for IA-32 Systems
        64-bit significand
-prec_div compiler option
-prof_dir dirname compiler option
-prof_file filename compiler option
-prof_format_32 compiler option
-prof_gen[x] compiler option
    -prof_gen compilations
-prof_use compiler option
-qipo_fa xild option
-qipo_fo xild option
-Qoption compiler option
-qp compiler option
-rcd compiler option
   Floating-point Arithmetic Precision for IA-32 Systems
   Floating-point Arithmetic Precision for IA-32 Systems#rcd
-real_size {n} compiler option
    -real_size 64
-recursive compiler option
-S compiler option
-safe_cray_ptr compiler option
   Stacks: Automatic Allocation and Checking
   Stacks: Automatic Allocation and Checking#cray1
-save compiler option
-scalar_rep[-] compiler option
-tpp{n} compiler option
       Default Compiler Optimizations
       Targeting a Processor, -tppn
       Analyzing the Effects of Multifile IPO
       Targeting a Processor, -tppn
       Default Compiler Optimizations
       Targeting a Processor, -tppn
-traceback compiler option
-unroll[n] compiler option
       Default Compiler Optimizations
       Loop Unrolling with -unroll[n]
-vec_report{n} compiler option
       Default Compiler Optimizations
       Vectorizer Options
-vms compiler option
   Efficient Compilation
   Setting Data Type and Alignment
-W0 compiler option
-x{K|W|N|B|P} compiler option
   Processor-specific Optimization (IA-32 only)
   Vectorizer Options
       Processor-specific Optimization (IA-32 only)
       Processor-specific Runtime Checks, IA-32 Systems
       Vectorizer Options
       What's New in This Release
       Processor-specific Optimization (IA-32 only)
       Processor-specific Runtime Checks, IA-32 Systems
       Processor-specific Optimization (IA-32 only)
       Vectorizer Options
       What's New in This Release
-zero compiler option
-Zp{n} compiler option
       Alignment Options
       Default Compiler Optimizations
"Prescott" processor
   Automatic Processor-specific Optimization (IA-32 only)
   Optimizing for Specific Processors Overview
   Processor-specific Optimization (IA-32 only)
   Processor-specific Runtime Checks, IA-32 Systems
   Targeting a Processor, -tppn
   What's New in This Release
.il files
   Compilation with Real Object Files#il
   What's New in This Release
_s() variants
   Floating-point Arithmetic Precision Overview
   Setting Data Type and Alignment
128-bit Streaming SIMD Extensions
   Improving Runtime Efficiency
   Setting Data Type and Alignment
   Types of Loop Vectorized
   Coding Guidelines for Intel Architectures
   Default Compiler Optimizations
   Vectorization Examples
24-bit significand
   Basic PGO Options
   Improving Runtime Efficiency
   Intel Extension Routines
   IPO Overview
   Setting Data Type and Alignment
   Types of Loop Vectorized
       IPO Overview
       IPO Overview#ilp32
   Alignment Options
   Improving I/O Performance
   Setting Data Type and Alignment
5000 interval
53-bit significand
   Basic PGO Options
   Improving Runtime Efficiency
   Intel Extension Routines
   Setting Data Type and Alignment
64-bit double-precision
64-bit MMX(TM)
64-bit significand
   Improving Runtime Efficiency
   Setting Data Type and Alignment
   Types of Loop Vectorized
   Alignment Options
   Improving Runtime Efficiency
   Setting Data Type and Alignment
