Analyzing the Effects of Multifile IPO

The -ipo_c and -ipo_S options are useful for analyzing the effects of multifile IPO, or when experimenting with multifile IPO between modules that do not make up a complete program.

Use the -ipo_c option to optimize across files and produce an object file. This option performs optimizations as described for -ipo, but stops prior to the final link stage, leaving an optimized object file. The default name for this file is ipo_out.o. You can use the -o option to specify a different name. For example:

ifort -tpp6 -ipo_c -ofilename a.f b.f c.f

Use the -ipo_S option to optimize across files and produce an assembly file. This option performs optimizations as described for -ipo, but stops prior to the final link stage, leaving an optimized assembly file. The default name for this file is ipo_out.s. You can use the -o option to specify a different name. For example:

ifort -tpp6 -ipo_S -ofilename a.f b.f c.f

For more information on inlining and the minimum inlining criteria, see Criteria for Inline Function Expansion and Controlling Inline Expansion of User Functions.