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Welcome to the Intel(R) C++ Compiler
Compiler Options Quick Reference
User's Guide
    Compiler Limits
    Key Files
    Diagnostics and Messages
    Intel Math Library
    Intel(R) C++ Intrinsics Reference
    Intel(R) C++ Class Libraries
       Introduction to the Class Libraries
       Integer Vector Classes
          Terms, Conventions, and Syntax
          Rules for Operators
          Assignment Operator
          Logical Operators
          Addition and Subtraction Operators
          Multiplication Operators
          Shift Operators
          Comparison Operators
          Conditional Select Operators
          Unpack Operators
          Pack Operators
          Clear MMX(TM) Instructions State Operator
          Integer Intrinsics for Streaming SIMD Extensions
          Conversions between Fvec and Ivec
       Floating-point Vector Classes
       Classes Quick Reference
       Programming Example