Physics 410: Computational Physics: Term Paper Topic Suggestions

Here is a non-exhaustive list of term paper topics, and sources of ideas for topics.  Should you be interested in some subject that is not listed here, and you are not sure whether it is acceptable, simply ask me.

General Subfields of Computational Physics

Choosing one of these topics will often require you to specialise your focus in order to yield a manageable paper.  I can assist with this as necessary

  • Computational Astrophysics
  • Computational Biophysics
  • Computational Climate Science
  • Computational Cosmology (N-body simulations of structure formation)
  • Computational Electromagnetics
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Computational Geophysics
  • Computational Materials Science
  • Computational Plasma Physics
  • Computational Quantum Many-Body Physics
  • Computational Soft Matter Physics
  • Computational Statistical Mechanics
  • Lattice Field Theory / Lattice Gauge Theory
  • Machine Learning / Deep Learning (with applications to an area in physics)
  • Quantum Computing
  • Numerical Weather Prediction
  • Numerical Relativity

More Specific Topics and Algorithms

Most of these topics should be coupled with a description of one or more sample applications, preferably, but not necessarily, in physics/astrophysics.

  • Barnes-Hut Algorithm for N-body calculations
  • Density Functional Theory (with computational applications)
  • History of Supercomputing / History of the Top-500 List
  • Krylov Subspace Method
  • Markov Chain Monte Carlo
  • Metropolis Algorithm
  • Multigrid Method for Ellptic PDEs
  • Fast Fourier Transform
  • Fast Multipole Method
  • Simplex Method


  • Winners of the Aneesur Rahman Prize for Computational Physics:  The American Physical Society awards an annual prize for outstanding achievement in computational physics research.  Information about this prize, including a list of awardees can be found HERE. You can choose one scientist who has won the award, and then write your essay about the work for which the prize was awarded.  This will probably involve a a bit of sleuthing into the original research, so you should be prepared for that.

  • Winners of the Nicholas Metropolis Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Work in Computational Physics: The idea here is the same as for the Raman prize winners, except now the award is for PhD work; see HERE for details. The work will tend to be published in journals as well as being described in the thesis per se.  Ideally you would refer to the thesis itself and if you have trouble locating it you can always try emailing the scientist directly and requesting a copy! 

  • American Physical Society (APS) Division of Computational Physics: Meeting Presentations

  • IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics: Search for CCP20XX, where XX is 19, 18, ...

  • Journals
    • Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology
    • Computational Materials Science
    • Computer Physics Communications
    • International Journal of Modern Physics C
    • Journal of Computational Physics
    • Living Reviews in Computational Astrophysics
    • Frontiers in Physics: Computational Physics
    • Physical Review E
    • SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing