Physics 410 Tutorial 2 - Polynomial Interpolation

Table of Contents


1 Solutions from previous tutorial

1.1 max3

function val = max3(a, b, c)
   if (a >= b) & (a >= c) 
      val = a;
   elseif (b >= a) & (b >= c) 
      val = b;
      val = c;

1.2 costaylor

function val = costaylor(x, tol, kmax)
% costaylor Computes an approximation to cos(x) using Taylor series
% Input arguments
%  x:     The value of x at which the approximation is to be computed.
%  tol:   The tolerance for the computation.  The function will
%         return the approximation when the magnitude of the current 
%         term being summed is <= this value.
%  kmax:  The maximum number of terms that will be summed.
% Output argument 
%  val:   The approximate value of cos(x).
% Also illustrates the use of the return statement to exit a function 
% immediately (i.e. before the end of the function definition).

   % Initialize the output argument.
   val = 0;
   for k = 0 : kmax - 1
      % Compute k-th term in series.
      term =  (-1)^(k) * x^(2*k) / factorial(2*k);
      % Update the approximation.
      val = val + term;
      % If the magnitude of the current term is smaller than 
      % the tolerance, exit the procedure using the return statement.
      if abs(term) <= tol;
   % If execution reaches this point then convergence to the requested
   % tolerance has not been achieved using the specified maximum 
   % number of terms.  Set the output argument to NaN and return.
   val = NaN;


2 Review of theory

We will be concerned with the barycentric form of polynomial interpolation.

Recall from class notes that given the \( n \) data points

\[ (x_j, f_j), \quad j = 1, 2, \ldots, n \]

we first construct the barycentric weights, \( w_j \) via

\[ w_j = \frac{1}{\prod_{k=1, k\ne j}^n \left( x_j - x_k \right)} \] The interpolating polyomial, \( p(x) \), is then

\[ p(x) = \frac{\sum_{j=1}^n\frac{w_j}{x-x_j}f_j} {\sum_{j=1}^n\frac{w_j}{x-x_j}} \]

3 Coding a function for barycentric interpolation

Create a MATLAB function with the following header

function fto = barycentric(xfr, ffr, xto)

that implements barycentric interpolation. The input and output arguments to and from the function are defined as follows:

% Input arguments
%  xfr:  x values to fit (length n vector)
%  ffr:  y values to fit (length n vector)
%  xto:  x values at which to evaluate fit (length nto vector)
% Output argument
%  fto:  Interpolated values (length nto vector)

Although it is possible to write this function without the use of explicit loops, I recommend that you do use loops unless you are a MATLAB expert.

As usual, the source code for your function should be created in the folder


with a filename barycentric.m

4 Testing your function

For initial testing I suggest that you choose some low order polynomial, say a quadratic, and then generate vectors of test input data, \( (x_j, f_j) \), of appropriate length (3 for the case of a quadratic), and a short vector of output \( x \) values to feed to your routine.

Once you are reasonably satisfied that your implementation is working, test it with the following code:

function p = tpoly(x)
   p = 1 - x + x.^2 - x.^3 + x.^4 - x.^5 + x.^6 - x.^7;

(define in file tpoly.m).


x = linspace(-0.9,0.9,101);
fxct = tpoly(x);
hold on;

xfr = linspace(-1,1,8);
ffr = tpoly(xfr);

xto = linspace(-0.9,0.9,101);
fto = barycentric(xfr,ffr,xto);

df = fxct - fto

plot(x,1.0e15 .* df);

title('Barycentric polynomial interpolation');
legend('Exact values', '10^{15} * Error in interpolated values');

(define in file tbarycentric.m).

Execute tbarycentric and analyze what you see in the plot that is created. If your implementation is sound, the two curves appearing in the plot should have approximately the same vertical range.