subroutine iprep (neq, y, rwork, ia, ja, ipflag, f, jac) clll. optimize external f, jac integer neq, ia, ja, ipflag integer illin, init, lyh, lewt, lacor, lsavf, lwm, liwm, 1 mxstep, mxhnil, nhnil, ntrep, nslast, nyh, iowns integer icf, ierpj, iersl, jcur, jstart, kflag, l, meth, miter, 1 maxord, maxcor, msbp, mxncf, n, nq, nst, nfe, nje, nqu integer iplost, iesp, istatc, iys, iba, ibian, ibjan, ibjgp, 1 ipian, ipjan, ipjgp, ipigp, ipr, ipc, ipic, ipisp, iprsp, ipa, 2 lenyh, lenyhm, lenwk, lreq, lrat, lrest, lwmin, moss, msbj, 3 nslj, ngp, nlu, nnz, nsp, nzl, nzu integer i, imax, lewtn, lyhd, lyhn double precision y, rwork double precision rowns, 1 ccmax, el0, h, hmin, hmxi, hu, rc, tn, uround double precision rlss dimension neq(1), y(1), rwork(1), ia(1), ja(1) common /ls0001/ rowns(209), 1 ccmax, el0, h, hmin, hmxi, hu, rc, tn, uround, 2 illin, init, lyh, lewt, lacor, lsavf, lwm, liwm, 3 mxstep, mxhnil, nhnil, ntrep, nslast, nyh, iowns(6), 4 icf, ierpj, iersl, jcur, jstart, kflag, l, meth, miter, 5 maxord, maxcor, msbp, mxncf, n, nq, nst, nfe, nje, nqu common /lss001/ rlss(6), 1 iplost, iesp, istatc, iys, iba, ibian, ibjan, ibjgp, 2 ipian, ipjan, ipjgp, ipigp, ipr, ipc, ipic, ipisp, iprsp, ipa, 3 lenyh, lenyhm, lenwk, lreq, lrat, lrest, lwmin, moss, msbj, 4 nslj, ngp, nlu, nnz, nsp, nzl, nzu c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c this routine serves as an interface between the driver and c subroutine prep. it is called only if miter is 1 or 2. c tasks performed here are.. c * call prep, c * reset the required wm segment length lenwk, c * move yh back to its final location (following wm in rwork), c * reset pointers for yh, savf, ewt, and acor, and c * move ewt to its new position if istate = 1. c ipflag is an output error indication flag. ipflag = 0 if there was c no trouble, and ipflag is the value of the prep error flag ipper c if there was trouble in subroutine prep. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- ipflag = 0 c call prep to do matrix preprocessing operations. --------------------- call prep (neq, y, rwork(lyh), rwork(lsavf), rwork(lewt), 1 rwork(lacor), ia, ja, rwork(lwm), rwork(lwm), ipflag, f, jac) lenwk = max0(lreq,lwmin) if (ipflag .lt. 0) return c if prep was successful, move yh to end of required space for wm. ----- lyhn = lwm + lenwk if (lyhn .gt. lyh) return lyhd = lyh - lyhn if (lyhd .eq. 0) go to 20 imax = lyhn - 1 + lenyhm do 10 i = lyhn,imax 10 rwork(i) = rwork(i+lyhd) lyh = lyhn c reset pointers for savf, ewt, and acor. ------------------------------ 20 lsavf = lyh + lenyh lewtn = lsavf + n lacor = lewtn + n if (istatc .eq. 3) go to 40 c if istate = 1, move ewt (left) to its new position. ------------------ if (lewtn .gt. lewt) return do 30 i = 1,n 30 rwork(i+lewtn-1) = rwork(i+lewt-1) 40 lewt = lewtn return c----------------------- end of subroutine iprep ----------------------- end