subroutine prep (neq, y, yh, savf, ewt, ftem, ia, ja, 1 wk, iwk, ipper, f, jac) clll. optimize external f,jac integer neq, ia, ja, iwk, ipper integer iownd, iowns, 1 icf, ierpj, iersl, jcur, jstart, kflag, l, meth, miter, 2 maxord, maxcor, msbp, mxncf, n, nq, nst, nfe, nje, nqu integer iplost, iesp, istatc, iys, iba, ibian, ibjan, ibjgp, 1 ipian, ipjan, ipjgp, ipigp, ipr, ipc, ipic, ipisp, iprsp, ipa, 2 lenyh, lenyhm, lenwk, lreq, lrat, lrest, lwmin, moss, msbj, 3 nslj, ngp, nlu, nnz, nsp, nzl, nzu integer i, ibr, ier, ipil, ipiu, iptt1, iptt2, j, jfound, k, 1 knew, kmax, kmin, ldif, lenigp, liwk, maxg, np1, nzsut double precision y, yh, savf, ewt, ftem, wk double precision rowns, 1 ccmax, el0, h, hmin, hmxi, hu, rc, tn, uround double precision con0, conmin, ccmxj, psmall, rbig, seth double precision dq, dyj, erwt, fac, yj dimension neq(1), y(1), yh(1), savf(1), ewt(1), ftem(1), 1 ia(1), ja(1), wk(1), iwk(1) common /ls0001/ rowns(209), 2 ccmax, el0, h, hmin, hmxi, hu, rc, tn, uround, 3 iownd(14), iowns(6), 4 icf, ierpj, iersl, jcur, jstart, kflag, l, meth, miter, 5 maxord, maxcor, msbp, mxncf, n, nq, nst, nfe, nje, nqu common /lss001/ con0, conmin, ccmxj, psmall, rbig, seth, 1 iplost, iesp, istatc, iys, iba, ibian, ibjan, ibjgp, 2 ipian, ipjan, ipjgp, ipigp, ipr, ipc, ipic, ipisp, iprsp, ipa, 3 lenyh, lenyhm, lenwk, lreq, lrat, lrest, lwmin, moss, msbj, 4 nslj, ngp, nlu, nnz, nsp, nzl, nzu c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c this routine performs preprocessing related to the sparse linear c systems that must be solved if miter = 1 or 2. c the operations that are performed here are.. c * compute sparseness structure of jacobian according to moss, c * compute grouping of column indices (miter = 2), c * compute a new ordering of rows and columns of the matrix, c * reorder ja corresponding to the new ordering, c * perform a symbolic lu factorization of the matrix, and c * set pointers for segments of the iwk/wk array. c in addition to variables described previously, prep uses the c following for communication.. c yh = the history array. only the first column, containing the c current y vector, is used. used only if moss .ne. 0. c savf = a work array of length neq, used only if moss .ne. 0. c ewt = array of length neq containing (inverted) error weights. c used only if moss = 2 or if istate = moss = 1. c ftem = a work array of length neq, identical to acor in the driver, c used only if moss = 2. c wk = a real work array of length lenwk, identical to wm in c the driver. c iwk = integer work array, assumed to occupy the same space as wk. c lenwk = the length of the work arrays wk and iwk. c istatc = a copy of the driver input argument istate (= 1 on the c first call, = 3 on a continuation call). c iys = flag value from odrv or cdrv. c ipper = output error flag with the following values and meanings.. c 0 no error. c -1 insufficient storage for internal structure pointers. c -2 insufficient storage for jgroup. c -3 insufficient storage for odrv. c -4 other error flag from odrv (should never occur). c -5 insufficient storage for cdrv. c -6 other error flag from cdrv. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- ibian = lrat*2 ipian = ibian + 1 np1 = n + 1 ipjan = ipian + np1 ibjan = ipjan - 1 liwk = lenwk*lrat if (ipjan+n-1 .gt. liwk) go to 210 if (moss .eq. 0) go to 30 c if (istatc .eq. 3) go to 20 c istate = 1 and moss .ne. 0. perturb y for structure determination. -- do 10 i = 1,n erwt = 1.0d0/ewt(i) fac = 1.0d0 + 1.0d0/(dfloat(i)+1.0d0) y(i) = y(i) + fac*dsign(erwt,y(i)) 10 continue go to (70, 100), moss c 20 continue c istate = 3 and moss .ne. 0. load y from yh(*,1). -------------------- do 25 i = 1,n 25 y(i) = yh(i) go to (70, 100), moss c c moss = 0. process user-s ia,ja. add diagonal entries if necessary. - 30 knew = ipjan kmin = ia(1) iwk(ipian) = 1 do 60 j = 1,n jfound = 0 kmax = ia(j+1) - 1 if (kmin .gt. kmax) go to 45 do 40 k = kmin,kmax i = ja(k) if (i .eq. j) jfound = 1 if (knew .gt. liwk) go to 210 iwk(knew) = i knew = knew + 1 40 continue if (jfound .eq. 1) go to 50 45 if (knew .gt. liwk) go to 210 iwk(knew) = j knew = knew + 1 50 iwk(ipian+j) = knew + 1 - ipjan kmin = kmax + 1 60 continue go to 140 c c moss = 1. compute structure from user-supplied jacobian routine jac. 70 continue c a dummy call to f allows user to create temporaries for use in jac. -- call f (neq, tn, y, savf) k = ipjan iwk(ipian) = 1 do 90 j = 1,n if (k .gt. liwk) go to 210 iwk(k) = j k = k + 1 do 75 i = 1,n 75 savf(i) = 0.0d0 call jac (neq, tn, y, j, iwk(ipian), iwk(ipjan), savf) do 80 i = 1,n if (dabs(savf(i)) .le. seth) go to 80 if (i .eq. j) go to 80 if (k .gt. liwk) go to 210 iwk(k) = i k = k + 1 80 continue iwk(ipian+j) = k + 1 - ipjan 90 continue go to 140 c c moss = 2. compute structure from results of n + 1 calls to f. ------- 100 k = ipjan iwk(ipian) = 1 call f (neq, tn, y, savf) do 120 j = 1,n if (k .gt. liwk) go to 210 iwk(k) = j k = k + 1 yj = y(j) erwt = 1.0d0/ewt(j) dyj = dsign(erwt,yj) y(j) = yj + dyj call f (neq, tn, y, ftem) y(j) = yj do 110 i = 1,n dq = (ftem(i) - savf(i))/dyj if (dabs(dq) .le. seth) go to 110 if (i .eq. j) go to 110 if (k .gt. liwk) go to 210 iwk(k) = i k = k + 1 110 continue iwk(ipian+j) = k + 1 - ipjan 120 continue c 140 continue if (moss .eq. 0 .or. istatc .ne. 1) go to 150 c if istate = 1 and moss .ne. 0, restore y from yh. -------------------- do 145 i = 1,n 145 y(i) = yh(i) 150 nnz = iwk(ipian+n) - 1 lenigp = 0 ipigp = ipjan + nnz if (miter .ne. 2) go to 160 c c compute grouping of column indices (miter = 2). ---------------------- maxg = np1 ipjgp = ipjan + nnz ibjgp = ipjgp - 1 ipigp = ipjgp + n iptt1 = ipigp + np1 iptt2 = iptt1 + n lreq = iptt2 + n - 1 if (lreq .gt. liwk) go to 220 call jgroup (n, iwk(ipian), iwk(ipjan), maxg, ngp, iwk(ipigp), 1 iwk(ipjgp), iwk(iptt1), iwk(iptt2), ier) if (ier .ne. 0) go to 220 lenigp = ngp + 1 c c compute new ordering of rows/columns of jacobian. -------------------- 160 ipr = ipigp + lenigp ipc = ipr ipic = ipc + n ipisp = ipic + n iprsp = (ipisp - 2)/lrat + 2 iesp = lenwk + 1 - iprsp if (iesp .lt. 0) go to 230 ibr = ipr - 1 do 170 i = 1,n 170 iwk(ibr+i) = i nsp = liwk + 1 - ipisp call odrv (n, iwk(ipian), iwk(ipjan), wk, iwk(ipr), iwk(ipic), 1 nsp, iwk(ipisp), 1, iys) if (iys .eq. 11*n+1) go to 240 if (iys .ne. 0) go to 230 c c reorder jan and do symbolic lu factorization of matrix. -------------- ipa = lenwk + 1 - nnz nsp = ipa - iprsp lreq = max0(12*n/lrat, 6*n/lrat+2*n+nnz) + 3 lreq = lreq + iprsp - 1 + nnz if (lreq .gt. lenwk) go to 250 iba = ipa - 1 do 180 i = 1,nnz 180 wk(iba+i) = 0.0d0 ipisp = lrat*(iprsp - 1) + 1 call cdrv (n,iwk(ipr),iwk(ipc),iwk(ipic),iwk(ipian),iwk(ipjan), 1 wk(ipa),wk(ipa),wk(ipa),nsp,iwk(ipisp),wk(iprsp),iesp,5,iys) lreq = lenwk - iesp if (iys .eq. 10*n+1) go to 250 if (iys .ne. 0) go to 260 ipil = ipisp ipiu = ipil + 2*n + 1 nzu = iwk(ipil+n) - iwk(ipil) nzl = iwk(ipiu+n) - iwk(ipiu) if (lrat .gt. 1) go to 190 call adjlr (n, iwk(ipisp), ldif) lreq = lreq + ldif 190 continue if (lrat .eq. 2 .and. nnz .eq. n) lreq = lreq + 1 nsp = nsp + lreq - lenwk ipa = lreq + 1 - nnz iba = ipa - 1 ipper = 0 return c 210 ipper = -1 lreq = 2 + (2*n + 1)/lrat lreq = max0(lenwk+1,lreq) return c 220 ipper = -2 lreq = (lreq - 1)/lrat + 1 return c 230 ipper = -3 call cntnzu (n, iwk(ipian), iwk(ipjan), nzsut) lreq = lenwk - iesp + (3*n + 4*nzsut - 1)/lrat + 1 return c 240 ipper = -4 return c 250 ipper = -5 return c 260 ipper = -6 lreq = lenwk return c----------------------- end of subroutine prep ------------------------ end