Script started on Sat Sep 19 10:07:27 1998 ############################################################ # Do the default make (all: $(EXECUTABLES)) # # Note the warnings from the loader, since routines 'dvto' # and 'dvfrom' live in the p410f utility library. In this # case we can safely ignore the warning, since the routines # are identical. # # Also note that, for linking purposes, ALL Fortran routine # names (more precisely, all external names) have an # underscore appended---i.e. when you are linking object # code generated from Fortran, and the linker complains that # it can't find 'foo_', it's actually looking for a Fortran # routine name 'foo'. C routine names, on the other hand, # retain their identity in the "external world". ############################################################ newton 22> make make -f Makefile f77 -g -n32 -c fdemo2.f f77 -g -n32 -L/usr/localn32/lib -n32 fdemo2.o -o fdemo2 f77 -g -n32 -c mysum.f f77 -g -n32 -L/usr/localn32/lib -n32 mysum.o -o mysum f77 -g -n32 -c tdvfrom.f f77 -g -n32 -c dvfrom.f f77 -g -n32 -L/usr/localn32/lib -n32 tdvfrom.o dvfrom.o \ -lp410f -o tdvfrom ld32: WARNING 15: multiply defined:(dvfrom_) in dvfrom.o and \ /usr/localn32/lib/libp410f.a(utilio.o) (2nd definition ignored). f77 -g -n32 -c tdvto.f f77 -g -n32 -c dvto.f f77 -g -n32 -L/usr/localn32/lib -n32 tdvto.o dvto.o \ -lp410f -o tdvto ld32: WARNING 15: multiply defined:(dvto_) in dvto.o and \ /usr/localn32/lib/libp410f.a(utilio.o) (2nd definition ignored). ############################################################ # Here's an alias which lists all the executables in a # directory using the fact that the -F flag to ls appends # a '*' to the name of such files. I've included it here # just to keep you thinking about tailoring your Unix # environment to suit your own needs. ############################################################ newton 23> alias lsx /bin/ls -F | fgrep \* | sed s/\*//g newton 24> lsx fdemo2 mysum tdvfrom tdvto ############################################################ # Clean up ... ############################################################ newton 25> make clean make -f Makefile clean rm *.o rm fdemo2 mysum tdvfrom tdvto newton 26> lsx