************************************************************************ PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION CONCERNING YOUR PROJECTS CAREFULLY Report any suspected bugs, ambiguities, lack of clarity etc. in the following to Matt ************************************************************************ *** SUMMARY **** A) REVISED!! THE PROJECT DEADLINE (code and writeup) IS WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 4, 9:00 AM B) WRITEUPS MUST BE SUBMITTED AS HARDCOPY ONLY C) DO NOTE E-MAIL MYSELF OR THE TAs WRITEUPS ... THEY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED D) WRITEUPS MUST BE PLACED IN THE BOX OUTSIDE MY OFFICE, HENNINGS 403 E) WRITEUPS WILL NOT BE RETURNED (I.E. ARE TREATED ANALOGOUSLY TO A FINAL) *** DETAILS **** 1) PROJECT IMPLEMENTATIONS (CODE) 1.1) All of the Matlab code (functions/scripts) that you write for your projects must be located in the directory /phys210/$LOGNAME/project on your lab accounts. PLEASE be sure that the directory is named precisely 'project' (i.e. all lower case). If you have already used another name for your project directory, I trust that you will find it a simple matter to rename it :-) 1.2) Include a README file in your project directory that describes how the top-level script (driver) for your project is to be executed. This may be as simple as Type 'nbody' at an Matlab prompt If you have more than one driver, include the information necessary to run each of them. 1.3) IMPORTANT: In the README file, include sufficient information for me to recreate AT LEAST ONE of the calculations that you describe in your report. Again, this may be as simple as Run the script 'nbody' as is---this corresponds to the calculation described in the report on page XX, starting at paragraph YY. You are free to describe more than one calculation in the README file. IN YOUR WRITEUP, you should also briefly define the key parameters used by your implementation, and, ideally, state the values that were used in your calculations/numerical experiments. If you did extensive experimentation, you do not have to enumerate every single parameter set that was used, but can state something like I investigated the behaviour of the system for 25 values of XX in the range YY to ZZ. 2) WRITEUPS 2.1) PLEASE, refer to the Term Projects section of the course home page http://laplace.phas.ubc.ca/210/#TERMPROJECTS starting at "All term projects must be written up in the style ..." for general information, including the typical structure that I expect for a writeup. As stated there, not all of the suggested sections will be relevant for all projects. 2.2) IMPORTANT: Don't fret if your project seems incomplete, and/or you don't think you have much in the way of results. Just write up what you have, and understand that effort counts for a lot in this endeavour. 2.2) IMPORTANT: Don't fret if your project seems incomplete, and/or you don't think you have much in the way of results. Just write up what you have, and understand that effort counts for a lot in this endeavour. 2.2) IMPORTANT: Don't fret if your project seems incomplete, and/or you don't think you have much in the way of results. Just write up what you have, and understand that effort counts for a lot in this endeavour. 2.3) INCLUDING FIGURES IN YOUR PROJECTS As we have seen in Homework 3, you can use the Matlab 'print' command to save plots in various image formats (JPEG and PNG in particular) that can then be easily incorporated into, e.g., Word documents. Note that there is also a sample script ~phys210/matlab/tprint.m that illustrates the technique. 2.4) TRANSFERRING FILES (INCLUDING FIGURES) TO YOUR OWN MACHINES You should be able to use e-mail to transfer files from the lab machines to your own computers. For those of you with Linux or Mac systems, 'scp' can also be used for file transfers. 2.5) Inclusion of source code in your report is STRICTLY OPTIONAL, but will be helpful to me in the grading. 2.6) Refer to 1.3) above for comments concerning the suggested description in your writeup of parameter settings used in your calculations. ****************************************************************** 2.7) EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Writeups MUST be submitted as HARDCOPY. There will be a box outside my office in which you can deposit writeups until the deadline of Wednesday, December 4, 9:00 AM MY OFFICE IS HENN 403 --- in the "East Penthouse". Take the stairs from the bldg entrance facing the SUB all the way up, hang a left at the top, and my office is at the end of the short hallway. DO NOT E-MAIL ME WRITEUPS. THEY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. DO NOT E-MAIL THE TAs WRITEUPS. THEY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. ****************************************************************** 2.8) Project writeups will not be returned, so please keep a copy for yourself. 3) OTHER RESULTS / MEDIA 3.1) If you have created any animations (mpeg files) or other media to illustrate your results, and which you wish me to consider as part of your project, then: Update your course home page /phys210/$LOGNAME/public_html/index.html with a clearly labelled "project" section containing links to the animations etc., and which includes explanations (can be brief) of what you are showing. You will need to copy/move the animations etc. into your public_html directory in order for the media to be accessible to the outside world (i.e. for it to be "on the web"). INDICATE CLEARLY IN YOUR REPORT THAT ADDITIONAL ON-LINE CONTENT IS AVAILABLE. 4) QUESTIONS/CONCERNS? 4.1) You can certainly e-mail me at any time if you have questions about your projects, including the writeups, but before you do, please carefully read the material on the course home page, as well as here, to ensure that your queries haven't already been addressed. 4.2) If you have what you feel are SIGNIFICANT questions/concerns, please try to ask me about them in one of the remaining lab sections, as that will be much more efficient than using e-mail. GOOD LUCK!!! GOOD LUCK!!! GOOD LUCK!!! GOOD LUCK!!! GOOD LUCK!!!