Ito A has reminded me that you can use a secure shell with X-forwarding enabled to use octave (and other applications, such as gedit and gnuplot) remotely on hyper. This will enable you to do at least some of the classwork that remains (including projects), outside of the computer lab. This is actually discussed in the course Software page but I should have explicitly reemphasized the point when we started using octave. The secure shell approach should work for the following cases: 1) You have Linux installed on your machine, or are using a Mac. You can then execute % ssh -X from a terminal window to start a bash shell running on hyper (from which you can access all of your files, including your homework directory). The -X flag will ensure that X-forwarding is enabled so that, for example, plots made from within octave will appear on your local display. However, if you DO have Linux installed, you may find it more convenient to install and octave on your own machine(s). 2) You are using Windows, and have the putty client and Xming installed (again, see for more details) In this instance, use putty to open a shell window that is connected to hyper and which has X-forwarding enabled. Specifically, do the following - Open the putty application---a window labelled 'PuTTY Configuration' should appear - Ensure that 'Session' has been selected from the 'Category' Menu in the left pane - Once you have typed the host name, (or into the host name box, select Connection -> SSH -> X11 from the Category menu, and check the 'Enable X11 forwarding' box - Click the 'Open' button at the bottom left A terminal window should then appear. Login using your user name and password, and then test that things are working properly by, for example, executing % gedit This mechanism should allow you to finish up Homework 4, as well as do at least some work on your term projects from your personal machines. Let me know should you have problems getting things to work as described above. IMPORTANT NOTE: The visualization applications, xfpp3d and xflat2d_rgb will NOT work using this approach: you will still need to use them in the lab. AGAIN, I SINCERELY APOLOGIZE FOR NOT EXPLICITLY POINTING THIS OUT EARLIER!!