------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHYS210: FINITE DIFFERENCE APPROXIMATION 1) Interactive application of O(h) forward finite difference approximation (FDA) of first derivative 2) Writing an octave function to implement the FDA formula 3) Extending the octave function to handle vector of deltax's 4) Examining convergence behaviour of approximation using scaled errors NOTE: As usual, '>>' denotes the octave prompt ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1) Interactive application of O(h) forward finite difference approximation (FDA) of first derivative +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Change to your ~/octave directory Start octave, and use the formula for the O(h) forward FDA of the first derivative f'(x) ~ f(x + delx) - f(x) ----------------- (1) delx to compute an approximation to the first derivative of sin(x) at x=0.2. Use long format so that numbers are displayed to full precision. We will start with delx = 0.1, and then decrease it by several factors of 10. Note that the exact value of the derivative is cos(0.2) % cd ~/octave % octave >> format long >> % Assign the exact value of the derivative to xct >> xct = cos(0.2) xct = 0.980066577841242 >> % Evaluate the formula for delx = 0.1 and assign the result to d >> d = (sin(0.2 + 0.1) - sin(0.2)) / 0.1 d = 0.968508758662784 >> % Compute the error and assign the result to e >> e = xct - d e = 0.0115578191784578 >> Using the command-recall and editing functions re-evaluate for >> delx = 0.01, 0.001, 0.00001, 0.000001 and 0.0000001 >> d = (sin(0.2 + 0.01) - sin(0.2)) / 0.01 d = 0.979056905103837 >> e = xct - d e = 0.00100967273740493 >> d = (sin(0.2 + 0.001) - sin(0.2)) / 0.001 d = 0.979967079839716 >> e = xct - d e = 9.94980015252001e-05 >> d = (sin(0.2 + 0.0001) - sin(0.2)) / 0.0001 d = 0.980056642741201 >> e = xct - d e = 9.93510004110298e-06 >> d = (sin(0.2 + 0.00001) - sin(0.2)) / 0.00001 d = 0.980065584479939 >> e = xct - d e = 9.93361302881191e-07 >> d = (sin(0.2 + 0.000001) - sin(0.2)) / 0.000001 d = 0.980066478528663 >> e = xct - d e = 9.93125788273375e-08 >> d = (sin(0.2 + 0.0000001) - sin(0.2)) / 0.0000001 d = 0.980066567901616 >> e = xct - d e = 9.93962534501236e-09 Observe how the error decreases by very nearly a factor of 10 each time that delx is reduced by a factor of 10. This provides "empirical verification" that the FDA (1) *is* first order accurate, i.e. that the leading order error term is *linear* in delx. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2) Writing an octave function to implement the FDA formula +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In your octave directory, ~/octave, create an octave function file fd.m that defines a function fd with the following header function d = fd(fcn, x, delx) The input arguments to fd are as follows 1) fcn: A FUNCTION HANDLE, which will typically be a handle of one of octave's built in math functions. In octave (and MATLAB) one creates a function handle by applying the @ operator to the name of a function. 2) x: The scalar value of x at which the derivative is to be approximately evaluated. 3) delx: The finite spacing, delx appearing in (1) The return value from fd is as follows 1) d: The approximate value of d fcn(x) / dx evaluated using formula (1) NOTE: The second problem in Homework 3 requires the coding of a function (fdas) that has a function handle as one of its arguments SOLUTION function d = fd(fcn, x, delx) % Implements O(h) forward FDA of 1st derivative of fcn. d = (fcn(x+delx) - fcn(x)) / delx; end IMPORTANT!! Remember that return values in octave/MATLAB functions are to be treated as variables that MUST be assigned values before the end of the function is reached (or an explicit return statement is encountered) TEST THE FUNCTION Ensuring that you are in your ~/octave directory, start octave, and try the following---note that '@sin' passes the function handle to 'sin' to 'fd', so that when 'fcn' is invoked in 'fd', it is actually 'sin' that is being called. % cd ~/octave % octave >> format long >> xct = cos(0.2) xct = 0.980066577841242 >> d = fd(@sin, 0.2, 0.1) d = 0.968508758662784 >> e = xct - d e = 0.0115578191784578 >> % Use a for loop to evaluate the formula using the same set of >> % delx's as previously, use 'disp('')' to generate an empty line >> % Remember with this form of the for loop, the loop variable >> % (delx in this case) iterates over the elements of the supplied >> % row vector. >> for delx = [0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001] d = fd(@sin, 0.2, delx) e = xct - d disp('') end d = 0.968508758662784 e = 0.0115578191784578 d = 0.979056905103837 e = 0.00100967273740493 d = 0.979967079839716 e = 9.94980015252001e-05 d = 0.980056642741201 e = 9.93510004110298e-06 d = 0.980065584479939 e = 9.93361302881191e-07 d = 0.980066478528663 e = 9.93125788273375e-08 d = 0.980066567901616 e = 9.93962534501236e-09 % Use 'fd' to compute an approximation to the derivative of another % function: d(sqrt(x))/dx at x = 4 % % The exact answer in this case is (1/2)x^{-1/2} evaluated at x = 4 % which is 1/4 >> format long >> xct = 0.25 >> for delx = [0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001] d = fd(@sqrt, 4, delx) e = xct - d disp('') end d = 0.248456731316584 e = 0.00154326868341581 d = 0.249843945007866 e = 1.56054992134003e-04 d = 0.249984376953005 e = 1.56230469947616e-05 d = 0.249998437520382 e = 1.56247961768941e-06 d = 0.249999843759952 e = 1.56240048482248e-07 d = 0.249999984269778 e = 1.57302224579325e-08 d = 0.249999998480632 e = 1.51936774273054e-09 So again we observe the expected linear convergence of the error with delx. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3) Extending the octave function to handle vector of delx's +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now, modify fd.m so that fd will return a row vector of approximations if the input argument delx is a row vector SOLUTION function d = fd(fcn, x, delx) % Implements O(h) forward FDA of 1st derivative of fcn. d = (fcn(x+delx) - fcn(x)) ./ delx; end Note that the modification was extremely easy. Provided x is a scalar, then if delx is a vector, fcn(x+delx) - fcn(x) will also be a vector of the same length (provided that fcn returns a vector of values when supplied with a vector as its argument). We then simply have to make the division by delx an element-by-element operation (./) and the return argument d will be a row vector that contains various approximations to the derivative, according to the specific values supplied in delx. Usage example >> format long >> % First, define a row vector defining the delx's we have been using >> % so far. >> vdelx = 10.^[-1:-1:-7] vdelx = Columns 1 through 3: 1.00000000000000e-01 1.00000000000000e-02 1.00000000000000e-03 Columns 4 through 6: (0.2) - vd .00000000000000e-04 1.00000000000000e-05 1.00000000000000e-06 Column 7: 1.00000000000000e-07 >> % IMPORTANT!! Note that we MUST use .^ in the above, ^ won't work >> % as you can verify >> % Compute the vector of approximations >> vd = fd(@sin, 0.2, vdelx) vd = Columns 1 through 4: 0.968508758662784 0.979056905103837 0.979967079839716 0.980056642741201 Columns 5 through 7: 0.980065584479939 0.980066478528663 0.980066567901616 >> % ... and the vector of errors >> e = cos(0.2) - vd e = Columns 1 through 3: 1.15578191784578e-02 1.00967273740493e-03 9.94980015252001e-05 Columns 4 through 6: 9.93510004110298e-06 9.93361302881191e-07 9.93125788273375e-08 Column 7: 9.93962534501236e-09 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4) Examining convergence behaviour of approximation using scaled errors ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We now perform a convergence test of our FDA (as applied to sin(x)), with delx -> delx/2 -> delx/ 4 -> etc. In the limit of sufficiently small grid spacing, the error in the approximation should also behave as e -> e/2 -> e/4 -> ... etc. Thus, if we rescale the computed errors by the appropriate powers of 2, we should find that they converge to a CONSTANT factor >> format long >> % Define another vector of delx's that are reciprocal powers of 2 >> vdelx = 2.^(-1*[1:20]) vdelx = Columns 1 through 3: 5.00000000000000e-01 2.50000000000000e-01 1.25000000000000e-01 Columns 4 through 6: 6.25000000000000e-02 3.12500000000000e-02 1.56250000000000e-02 Columns 7 through 9: 7.81250000000000e-03 3.90625000000000e-03 1.95312500000000e-03 Columns 10 through 12: 9.76562500000000e-04 4.88281250000000e-04 2.44140625000000e-04 Columns 13 through 15: 1.22070312500000e-04 6.10351562500000e-05 3.05175781250000e-05 Columns 16 through 18: 1.52587890625000e-05 7.62939453125000e-06 3.81469726562500e-06 Columns 19 and 20: 1.90734863281250e-06 9.53674316406250e-07 >> % Compute vector of approximations ... >> vd = fd(@sin, 0.2, vdelx) vd = Columns 1 through 4: 0.891096712885260 0.945184813264676 0.965115640495518 0.973222242391746 Columns 5 through 8: 0.976803113904581 0.978474626747447 0.979280559992660 0.979676059861639 Columns 9 through 12: 0.979871941775130 0.979969415562408 0.980018035643297 0.980042316478034 Columns 13 through 16: 0.980054449593581 0.980060514325942 0.980063546236124 0.980065062076392 Columns 17 through 20: 0.980065819971060 0.980066198906570 0.980066388379782 0.980066483112751 >> % ... and vector of errors. >> evd = cos(0.2) - vd evd = Columns 1 through 3: 8.89698649559820e-02 3.48817645765656e-02 1.49509373457237e-02 Columns 4 through 6: 6.84433544949514e-03 3.26346393666044e-03 1.59195109379451e-03 Columns 7 through 9: 7.86017848582121e-04 3.90517979602878e-04 1.94636066111586e-04 Columns 10 through 12: 9.71622788334958e-05 4.85421979441458e-05 2.42613632075450e-05 Columns 13 through 15: 1.21282476606144e-05 6.06351529985893e-06 3.03160511738731e-06 Columns 16 through 18: 1.51576484985760e-06 7.57870181944398e-07 3.78934671418918e-07 Columns 19 and 20: 1.89461459187967e-07 9.47284910512991e-08 >> % Finally, scale these errors by powers of 2 which increase as >> % delx decreases. The fact that the numbers that result are almost >> % the same, especially near the end of the vector makes it easier to >> % see that the convergence is very close to linear in delx as >> % expected >> sevd = evd .* 2.^[1:20] sevd = Columns 1 through 3: 0.1779397299119641 0.1395270583062622 0.1196074987657898 Columns 4 through 6: 0.1095093671919223 0.1044308459731340 0.1018848700028485 Columns 7 through 9: 0.1006102846185115 0.0999726027783367 0.0996536658491323 Columns 10 through 12: 0.0994941735254997 0.0994144213896107 0.0993745436981044 Columns 13 through 15: 0.0993546048357530 0.0993446346728888 0.0993396364865475 Columns 16 through 18: 0.0993371652002679 0.0993355604878161 0.0993354505044408 Columns 19 and 20: 0.0993323695147410 0.0993300222326070 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- We will revisit/use these ideas of convergence and convergence testing in future labs and homeworks, and most of you (should!) use them in your term projects! -------------------------------------------------------------------------