# Generated automatically from Makefile.in by configure.
# Generic Makefile for RNPL 'f77' application

#  NOTE: This Makefile uses the Bourne shell, 'sh'
SHELL = /bin/sh

#  Set 'APP' to application name stem (prefix) then execute
#  'make fix' to convert Makefile to use explicit targets
APP        =  cyl2d

# If your application uses headers and/or libraries from 
# non-system locations, define the following macros appropriately ...
# (set to white-space separated path names, don't use 'csh' ~ notation
# for home directories)

# If you want to set non-default flags for the 'f77' compiler, do so
# here
F77_FLAGS = -O3 -mips4

RNPL      = /usr/local/bin/rnpl

F77       = f77 $(F77_FLAGS)     -YI,/usr/local/include $(USER_INC_PATHS)
F77_LOAD  = f77 $(F77_FLAGS)      -L/usr/local/lib $(USER_LIB_PATHS)

FLIBS     =  -lrnpl  -lmfhdf -ldf -ljpeg -lz -lvs

	$(F77) -c $*.f

all: cyl2d cyl2d_init

fix: Makefile
	sed "s@cyl2d@cyl2d@g" < Makefile > .Makefile 
	mv .Makefile Makefile

cyl2d.f: cyl2d_rnpl
	$(RNPL) -l f77   cyl2d_rnpl

cyl2d_init: cyl2d_init.o updates.o
	$(F77_LOAD) cyl2d_init.o updates.o $(FLIBS) -o cyl2d_init

cyl2d.o: cyl2d.f
updates.o: cyl2d_rnpl 

cyl2d: cyl2d.o updates.o
	$(F77_LOAD) cyl2d.o updates.o $(FLIBS) -o cyl2d

	 rm *.hdf .rn*  cyl2d  cyl2d_init > /dev/null 2>&1
	 rm *.o > /dev/null 2>&1
	 rm initfrag.f updates.f cyl2d.f cyl2d_init.f 
	 rm globals.inc other_glbs.inc sys_param.inc