parameters for cyl2d idstr := "gts" ############################################################################### # The line which follows this comment block defines output at every # time step: '*' evaluates to the number of time steps (iter). # Thus, this is eqivalent to 'rmod := 1' in the old scheme. # The right hand side of the assignment is an example of an 'index vector', # or 'ivec' for short. Ivec syntax provides a shorthand for providing # output at general times; the generic index vector is defined by # # <group>[,<group>,<group> ... ,<group>] # # where '[ ]' means optional, but the commas are needed. A <group> # is similar to a fortran do-triple: it specifies a vector of # integers (indexes) defined by an initial index, a final index # (which defaults to the initial one) and an increment (step) # which defaults to 1. The syntax for a <group> is # # <initial>[-<final>/<increment>] # # where <initial>, <final> and <increment> are integer-valued. # # Examples Grid function output at time steps # # output := 0-* 0, 1, 2, ... iter # output := 0-*/10 0, 10, 20, ... # output := 0-*/20,60-63 0, 20, 40, 60, 61, 62, 63, 80, ... # output := 200 200 # # NOTE: All output time steps are specified relative to the level-0 # computation. Index vectors are adjusted on finer levels to produce # output at the same integration times which are output on level-0. ############################################################################### output := 0-* amp := 1 r0 := 15.0 delta := 1.0 rho0 := 1 z0 := 0.5 tag := "2d_" lambda := .25 epsdis := 0.5 Nrho0 := 16 Nz0 := 32 rhomin := 0 rhomax := 20 zmin := -20 zmax := 20 ser := 0 fout := 1 iter := 150 epsiter := 1.0e-6 in_file := "in0.hdf" out_file := "out0.hdf" level:=0