usage: xflat2d_rgb [-h] Displays animations of two dimensional binary lattices colored with arbitrary RGB values. xflat2d_rgb expects the following formatted input on standard input: ! Dimensions of lattice ! FIRST display time ! Lat, RGB values for site (1,1) ! Lat, RGB values for site (2,1) . . ! Lat, RGB values for site (nx,1) ! Lat, RGB values for site (1,2) . . ! Lat, RGB values for site (nx,2) . . . . ! Lat, RGB values for site (1,ny) . . ! Lat, RGB values for site (nx,ny) ! SECOND input time ! Lat, RGB values for site (1,1) ! Lat, RGB values for site (2,1) . . . Note that ! denotes the start of a comment. All inputs should be doubles (floats), except for the lattice dimensions and which MUST be integers. RGB values must be in the range 0.0 .. 1.0 RGB values less than 0.0 will be set to 0.0 RGB values greater than 1.0 will be set to 1.0 Lattice positions (1,1) and (nx,ny) correspond to the upper left and lower right positions of the display area respectively. Input is stream oriented so carriage returns are effectively ignored. Thus for example, the lattice values at a given time could appear on a single line, one per line, one row per line etc.