course will provide an in-depth and hands on training experience for
research scientists wishing to gain experience in the use of parallel
computing to solve mesh- and particle-based methods in computational
As this course is a Physics and Astronomy (PHAS) offering, graduate
students in PHAS are apt to be especially interesed in it..
However, the instructors stress that
- The focus of lectures and labs will be the acquistion of
knowledge and techniques applicables in virtually any discipline in
which mesh-based or particle-based methods are employed.
- 50% of the term mark will be devoted to a term team
project, with free choice of subjects via team members modulo
consistency with the overall goals of this course (i.e. proficiency in
the application of parallel computing resources to leading edge
problems in science, engineering, medicine etc.)
- The course will involve case studies of extant software
toolkits etc which expedite the
efficient use of parallel computing. To the extent that it makes
sense, given the eventual class composition, the instructors will
attempt to work in case studies from non-PHAS application domains.
In short, this course should be of interest to advanced graduates,
graduates, PDFs and faculty members in a broad range of
disciplines. All are invited to participate.