Memory Offset Annotation

The memory offset annotation .mem.offset provides hints about the address that memory operations address, when the exact address is unknown. The annotation is useful for avoiding false reports of dependency violations. The annotation affects the instruction that follows.

The .mem.offset annotation has the following syntax:

.mem.offset   off_val,base_ind



The relative offset for the memory region where the data is stored or retrieved.


 A number that identifies the memory region where the

information is stored or retrieved. The number is an

arbitrary method of distinguishing between different

memory regions.


Example Using the Memory Offset Annotation illustrates a .mem.offset annotation.

Example: Using the Memory Offset Annotation

.proc foo



...                            //code...

.mem.offset 0,FOO_STACK_INDEX  //Suppose r3 contains the stack pointer

st8.spill [r3]=r32,8           //We want to save r32-r34

.mem.offset 8,FOO_STACK_INDEX

st8.spill [r3]=r33,8

.mem.offset 16,FOO_STACK_INDEX

st8.spill [r3]=r34,8



.proc bar



...                            //code...

.mem.offset 0,BAR_STACK_INDEX  //Suppose r3 contains the stack pointer

st8.spill [r3]=r40             //We want to save r40