Volume II: Optimizing Applications
    What's New in This Release
    Introduction to Volume II
    Programming for High Performance
    Compiler Optimizations
    Parallel Programming with Intel® Fortran
       Parallelism: An Overview
       Auto-vectorization (IA-32 Only)
       Parallelization with OpenMP*
          Parallelization with OpenMP* Overview
          Programming with OpenMP
          Parallel Processing Thread Model
          Compiling with OpenMP, Directive Format, and Diagnostics
          OpenMP Directives and Clauses Summary
          OpenMP Directive Descriptions
          OpenMP Clause Descriptions
             Controlling Data Scope
                Data Scope Attribute Clauses Overview
                COPYIN Clause
                DEFAULT Clause
                PRIVATE, FIRSTPRIVATE, and LASTPRIVATE Clauses
                REDUCTION Clause
                SHARED Clause
             Specifying Schedule Type and Chunk Size
          OpenMP Support Libraries
          OpenMP Environment Variables
          OpenMP Run-time Library Routines
          Intel Extension Routines
          Examples of OpenMP Usage
       Debugging Multithreaded Programs
    Optimization Support Features