Multifile IPO Overview

Multifile IPO obtains potential optimization information from individual program modules of a multifile program. Using the information, the compiler performs optimizations across modules.

Building a program is divided into two phases: compilation and linkage. Multifile IPO performs different work depending on whether the compilation, linkage or both are performed.

Compilation Phase

As each source file is compiled, multifile IPO stores an intermediate representation (IR) of the source code in the object file, which includes summary information used for optimization.

By default, the compiler produces "mock" object files during the compilation phase of multifile IPO. Generating mock files instead of real object files reduces the time spent in the multifile IPO compilation phase. Each mock object file contains the IR for its corresponding source file, but no real code or data. These mock objects must be linked using the -ipo option in ifort or using the xild tool. (See Creating a Multifile IPO Executable with xild.)

Failure to link "mock" objects with ifort and -ipo or xild will result in linkage errors. There are situations where mock object files cannot be used. See Compilation with Real Object Files for more information.

Linkage Phase

When you specify -ipo, the compiler is invoked a final time before the linker. The compiler performs multifile IPO across all object files that have an IR.

The compiler does not support multifile IPO for static libraries (.a files). See Compilation with Real Object Files for more information.

-ipo enables the driver and compiler to attempt detecting a whole program automatically. If a whole program is detected, the interprocedural constant propagation, stack frame alignment, data layout and padding of common blocks perform more efficiently, while more dead functions get deleted. This option is safe.