Preprocessing Directive Equivalents

You can use the -A, -D, and -U options as equivalents to preprocessing directives:

Using -A

Use the -A option to make an assertion. Syntax: -Aname[(value)].

Argument  Description
name Indicates an identifier for the assertion
value Indicates a value  for the assertion. If a value  is specified, it should be quoted, along with the parentheses delimiting it.

For example, to make an assertion for the identifier fruit with the associated values orange and banana use the following command:

prompt>icpc -A"fruit(orange,banana)" prog1.cpp

Using -D

Use the -D option to define a macro. Syntax: -Dname[=value].

Argument  Description
name The name of the macro to define.
value Indicates a value to be substituted for name. If you do not enter a value, name is set to 1. The value should be quoted if it contains non-alphanumerics.

For example, to define a macro called SIZE with the value 100 use the following command:

prompt>icpc -DSIZE=100 prog1.cpp

The -D option can also be used to define functions. For example:

prompt>icpc -D"f(x)=x" prog1.cpp

Using -U

Use the -U option to remove (undefine) a pre-defined macro. Syntax: -Uname.

Argument  Description
name The name of the macro to undefine.


If you use -D and -U in the same compilation, the compiler processes the -D option before -U, rather than processing them in the order they appear on the command line.