Known Limitations ================= The Intel Premier Support website contains more up to date information on errata and the availability of new versions of the compiler. The following are known defects in the Intel Fortran Compiler, which might be fixed in a future version. work.pc file and parallel builds ================================ The work.pc file is used to store information about modules. This file is shared by all compilations and there is no concurrency at lower than the file level of granularity. This limits the ability to perform parallel makes. New Functionality and Issues ============================ .Direct access files larger than 2 Gigabytes are now supported. Fortran95 support. The Intel Fortran compiler supports all the features of ISO Fortran 95, plus extensions. . The Intel Fortran Compiler includes many popular extensions from other vendors' Fortran compilers, including VAX structures, CRAY pointers, Sun IEEE FLAGS functions, and timing functions such as ETIME and SECNDS. Please see the Programmer's Guide for more information on supported extensions. Limitations with the Shared libraries on native =============================================== Under certain conditions, when linking with shared libraries, the linker produces the following message: "ld: bfd assertion fail elf64-ia64.c:2852" There are 2 scenarios when this message appears: 1. This is a warning message but an executable is generated which sometimes does not have execute permissions. In most cases if the permissions are changed, the program will execute correctly. 2. This message is followed by a "core dump" from the linker (ld). This issue is being addressed in the updates to the Intel compilers. Limitations and Tool Notes ========================== The following are known defects in the Intel Fortran Compiler, which might be fixed in a future Version. VAX(tm) FORTRAN style structures. Older programs may use a feature introduced by Digital Equipment Corp.(tm) on the VAX FORTRAN product, often referred to as "VAX structures". This feature uses the keyword statements STRUCTURE, RECORD, UNION, and MAP. Vax structures are supported for compatibility with legacy code. ANSI FORTRAN-90 supplies an equivalent feature, derived types. Since support for Vax structures is intended to allow legacy code to compile, Vax structures are not supported in FORTRAN-90 modules, and you cannot use FORTRAN-90 style syntax in VAX structure declarations. This restriction may be lifted in a future release. . For example: PROGRAM MYPROG STRUCTURE /MYSTRUCT/ INTEGER(4),DIMENSION(10)::I END STRUCTURE RECORD /MYSTRUCT/ MYVAR END PROGRAM MODULE MYMOD STRUCTURE /MYSTRUCT/ INTEGER(4),DIMENSION(10)::I END STRUCTURE RECORD /MYSTRUCT/ MYVAR END MODULE You must either change the structure declaration to a FORTRAN-90 derived type, (this is the only option for MODULEs), or change the declaration of the array to use ANSI 1978 FORTRAN style syntax, such as INTEGER I(10) . The GETLOG function in the portability library, which can be linked with the /4Yportlib switch, does not currently function properly. Use of this function will result in an error, due to not loading a particular dynamic link library. . The TREAD function in the portability library is currently not available.