Basic PGO Options

The options used for basic PGO optimizations are:

In cases where your code behavior differs greatly between executions, you have to ensure that the benefit of the profile information is worth the effort required to maintain up-to-date profiles. In the basic profile-guided optimization, the following options are used in the phases of the PGO:

Generating Instrumented Code, -prof_gen[x]

The -prof_gen[x] option instruments the program for profiling: to get the execution count of each basic block. Used in phase 1 of the PGO to instruct the compiler to produce instrumented code in your object files in preparation for instrumented execution. With x qualifier, -prof_genx, gathers extra information for use with the Proforder tool.

Generating a Profile-optimized Executable, -prof_use

The -prof_use option is used in phase 3 of the PGO to instruct the compiler to produce a profile-optimized executable and merges available dynamic-information (.dyn) files into a pgopti.dpi file.


The dynamic-information files are produced in phase 2 when you run the instrumented executable.

If you perform multiple executions of the instrumented program, -prof_use merges the dynamic-information files again and overwrites the previous pgopti.dpi file.

See an example of using PGO.

For Itanium(TM)-based applications, if you intend to use the -prof_use option with optimizations at the -O3 level, the -O3 option must be on. If you intend to use the -prof_use option with optimizations at the -O2 level or lower, you can generate the profile data with the default options.