Compiler Information Messages

These messages are generated by the following Intel® Fortran Compiler options:

Disabling the sign-on message


Disables the display of the compiler version (or sign-on) message.

When you sign-on, the compiler displays the following information:

ID: the unique identification number for this compiler.
: the version of the compiler.
: the years for which the software is copyrighted.

Printing the list and brief description of the compiler driver options


You can print a list and brief description of the most useful compiler driver options by specifying the -help option to the compiler. To print this list, use this command:

IA-32 compiler:
>ifc -help or prompt>ifc -?

Itanium(TM) compiler:
>efc -help or prompt>efc -?

Showing compiler version and driver tool  commands


Displays compiler version information. Puts string in the .comment section of the object file.


Shows driver tool commands and executes tools.


Shows driver tool commands, but does not execute tools.