
This topic describes the options that enable you to control and customize the linking with tools and libraries and define the output of the linking process. See the summary of linking options.

These options are specified at compile time and have effect at the linking time.

Options to Link to Tools and Libraries

The following options enable you to link to various tools and libraries:


Link with alternate I-O library for mixed output with the C language.


Link with a library indicated in name. For example, -lm indicates to link with the math library.


Instructs linker to search dir for libraries.


Instructs the linker to create a map file of the input file.


Enable or disable linking with POSIX library.


Enable or disable linking with portability library.

Controlling Linking and its Output


Instruct linker to search  for dir libraries.

See Libraries for more information on using them.

Suppressing Linking

Use the -c option to suppress linking. Entering the following command produces the object files file.o and file2.o, but does not link these files to produce an executable file.

IA-32 compiler:

prompt>ifc -c file.f file2.f

Itanium(TM) compiler:

prompt>efc -c file.f file2.f

The preceding command does not link these files to produce an executable file.