IPO Overview

Use -ip and -ipo to enable interprocedural optimizations (IPO), which enable the compiler to analyze your code to determine where you can benefit from the optimizations listed in tables that follow. See IPO options summary.

IA-32 and Itanium™-based applications


Affected Aspect of Program

inline function expansion

calls, jumps, branches, and loops

interprocedural constant propagation

arguments, global variables, and return values

monitoring module-level static variables

further optimizations, loop invariant code

dead code elimination

code size

propagation of function characteristics

call deletion and call movement

multifile optimization

affects the same aspects as -ip, but across multiple files

 IA-32 applications only


Affected Aspect of Program

passing arguments in registers

calls, register usage

loop-invariant code motion

further optimizations, loop invariant code

Inline function expansion is one of the main optimizations performed by the interprocedural optimizer. For function calls that the compiler believes are frequently executed, the compiler might decide to replace the instructions of the call with code for the function itself.

With -ip, the compiler performs inline function expansion for calls to procedures defined within the current source file. However, when you use -ipo to specify multifile IPO, the compiler performs inline function expansion for calls to procedures defined in separate files.

To disable the IPO optimizations, use the -O0 option.