The FCE Manager Utility

The FCE Manager (FCEM) is a utility that enables you to interrogate and update program unit catalogs belonging to an FCE. It is activated by the command ifccem (IA-32 compiler) or efccem (Itanium(TM) compiler) and by default prompts for commands from the keyboard. However it may also be operated in script files as follows:

IA-32 compiler:

ifccem <<!

Itanium compiler:

efccem <<!

To obtain information on the set of commands available, use the command h (help). If h (help) is followed by the name of a command, it provides a detailed explanation of that command. The command q (quit) terminates execution of the FCEM.

Note :
When you are developing your Itanium-based application, and the application contains MODULEs, you must be careful to compile all of your code on the same host, regardless of the target platform. For example, if you are developing applications for an Itanium-based platform on an IA-32 host, you must compile all of your code on the IA-32 host. You cannot use a work.pc (program catalog) file generated on one platform when compiling on another platform. Also, you must use the FCE tool for the host where you compiled your code, rather than the FCE tool for the other platform.

The table that follows lists FCE manager commands with brief descriptions.

FCE Manager Commands





Clear a program unit catalog.

cl <puc>


cl test.pc

Removes all program units from program unit catalog test.pc.



List compilation order

co pu puclist


co LIST test.pc

Lists a valid compilation order for program units belonging to the program LIST, and sought in program unit catalog test.pc.

co MAIN.PROGRAM <puclist>
Lists a valid compilation order for program units belonging to MAIN.PROGRAM, and sought in the program unit catalogs whose names are given by puclist.



 Copy program units

cp from_puc to_puc pulist


cp test.pc test2.pc

Copies all program units from test.pc to test2.pc.

cp test.pc test2.pc A B
Copies program units A and B from program unit catalog test.pc to program unit catalog test2.pc.



Create a program unit catalog  

cr puc


cr test.pc

Creates the new program unit catalog test.pc.



Find a program unit

fi pu puclist


fi EX test.pc test2.pc

Finds program unit EX in program unit catalogs test.pc and test2.pc.

fi TEST <puclist>
Finds program unit TEST in the program unit catalogs in file puclist.



Find users of a program unit

fu pu puclist


fu MOD test.pc test2.pc

Finds users of module MOD in progr.unit catalogs test.pc and test2.pc.

fu MOD2 <puclist>
Finds users of MOD2 in the program unit catalogs specified in file puclist.



Provide help information

h [command]



Lists all the available FCEM commands.

h rm
Lists help information about the command rm.



List program units

ls [options] puc [pulist]


ls test.pc

Produces a brief listing of program units in program unit catalog test.pc.

ls /al test.pc
Produces a full listing of program units in test.pc in alphabetic order.

ls /l /t test.pc B Z C A
Produces a full listing of program units B, Z, C and A in program unit catalog test.pc, in order of creation date/time.



Modify recorded object file names

mo name puc [boldest]


mo mylib.a test.pc

Modifies all recorded object file names of program units in the program unit catalog test.pc to indicate their presence in the object library mylib.a.

mo newobj.o work.pc obj.o
In the program unit catalog work.pc, modifies those program units which have a recorded object file name of obj.o to have the recorded object file name newobj.o.

mo mylib.a test.pc obj1.o oldlib[obj2.o]
In the program unit catalog test.pc, modifies those program units which have a recorded object file name of obj1.o or oldlib[obj2.o] so that the recorded object file name indicates its presence in library mylib.a.



Terminates execution of ifccem.






Remove program units

puc pulist


rm test.pc A

Removes program unit A from program unit catalog test.pc.

rm test2.pc A B C
Removes program units A, B, and C from program unit catalog test2.pc.