Environment Variables

Use the LIB and PATH environment variables that enable the compiler to search for libraries or INCLUDE files. You can establish these variables in the startup file for your command shell. You can use the env command to determine what environment variables you already have set.

You can also set the  PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH in your .login file only, there will no longer be any need to execute the setting variables script before running the compiler.

The following variables are relevant to your compilation environment.


Specifies a configuration file, which the compiler should use instead of the default configuration file for the Itanium(TM) compiler.


Specifies a configuration file, which the compiler should use instead of the default configuration file for the IA-32 compiler.


Specifies the directory path for the math libraries.


Specifies the numbers of the units to be used for little-endian-to-big-endian conversion purposes.


Specifies the directory path for the include files.


Specifies the directory path for the compiler executable files.


Specifies the directory in which to store temporary files. If the directory specified by TMP does not exist, the compiler places the temporary files in the current directory.

Configuration File Environment Variables

IFCCFG and EFCCFG environment variables specify a configuration file, which the compiler should use instead of the default configuration file. The default configuration files are ifc.cfg for the 32-bit Intel Fortran compiler and efc.cfg for the Itanium compiler in the /bin directory, and by default, the compiler always picks up the .cfg file from the same directory where the compiler executable resides. However, if the user needs to use configuration file in a different location, they can use IFCCFG or EFCCFG  environment variable and assign the directory and filename of the .cfg file that needs to be picked up by the compiler.