Configuration Files

To decrease the time when entering command line options and ensure consistency of often-used command-line entries, use the configuration files. You can insert any valid command-line options into the configuration file. The compiler processes options in the configuration file in the order they appear followed by the command-line options that you specify when you invoke the compiler.


Be aware that options placed in the configuration file will be included each time you run the compiler. If you have varying option requirements for different projects, see Response Files.

These files can be added to the directory where Intel® Fortran Compiler is installed.

Examples that follow illustrate sample .cfg files. The pound (#) character indicates that the rest of the line is a comment.

IA-32 applications: ifc.cfg

You can put any valid command-line option into this file.

## Sample ifc.cfg file for IA-32 applications
## Define preprocessor macro MY_PROJECT.

## Set extended-length source lines.
## Set maximum floating-point significand precision.
## Link with alternate I/O library for mixed output with the
## C language.


Itanium(TM)-based applications: efc.cfg

## Sample efc.cfg file for Itanium(TM)-based applications
## Define preprocessor macro MY_PROJECT.

## Enable extended-length source lines.
## Link with alternate I/O library for mixed output with the
## C language.
