Compilation Overview

This section describes all the Intel® Fortran Compiler options that determine the compilation and linking process and their output. By default, the compiler converts source code directly to an executable file. Appropriate options enable you to control the process and obtain desired output file produced by the compiler.

Having control of the compilation process means, for example, that you can create a file at any of the compilation phases such as assembly, object, or executable with -P or -c options. Or you can name the output file or designate a set of options that are passed to the linker with the -S, -o options. If you specify a phase-limiting option, the compiler produces a separate output file representing the output of the last phase that completes for each primary input file.

You can use the command line options to display and check for certain aspects of the compiler's behavior.  You can use these options to see which options and files are passed by the compiler driver to the component executables f90com and ld(1) (option -sox[-]).

Linking is the last phase in the compilation process discussed in a separate section. See the Linking options.

A group of options monitors the outcome of Intel compiler-generated code without interfering with the way your program runs. These options control some computation aspects, such as allocating the stack memory, setting or modifying variable settings, and defining the use of some registers.

The options in this section provide you with the following capabilities:

Finally, the output options are summarized in Compiler Output Options Summary.