Fatal Error Messages

This section describes fatal error messages. A fatal error causes immediate IAS termination without creating an object file. These are the fatal error messages IAS may display:

A1012 cannot open input file file

IAS could not open this file. This fatal error message is usually due to an incorrect file name or path.

A1013 cannot open input file file included from file (line)

IAS could not open this file. This fatal error message is usually due to an incorrect file name or path in the .include directory.

A1014 cannot open registers allocation log file file

IAS could not open the file that lists the results of virtual registers allocations. Check that the file name with a suffix .vra is not in use. Delete any read-only files with the suffix .vra.

A1015 creation of section section failed: reason

The assembler could not create the section, for the reason specified.

A1018 too many errors: number

The maximum permitted number of errors was exceeded, so execution terminated. You can configure the number of permitted errors with the -E n command-line option.

A1020 section stack underflow

The .popsection directive operates on an empty stack. See the Intel® Itanium(TM) Architecture Assembly Language Reference Guide for more information on this directive.

A1021 unable to open file as an error file

IAS could not open the file designated in the command-line as the diagnostics file. A file with an identical name may be locked by another procedure.

A1022 command-line option is missing an argument Usage message

This command-line option is missing an argument. This fatal error message also provides the IAS command-line usage message. See Command-line Options for more information on IAS command-line usage.

A1025 unknown command-line option option Usage message

IAS does not recognize this command-line option. This fatal error message also provides the IAS command-line usage message. See Command-line Options for more information.

A1026 option command-line option is incompatible with sub-argument sub-argument usage message

The specified sub-argument is not valid for this command-line option. This fatal error message also provides the IAS command-line usage message. See Command-line Options for more information on the command-line options and their sub-arguments.

A1027 .include directive has illegal placing/format

This .include directive is incorrect. This fatal error message may be caused by entering a file name operand that is not a string. See the Intel® Itanium(TM) Architecture Assembly Language Reference Guide for more information on this directive.

An example of code that generates this message: .include data.s

A1050 virtual register allocation failed: not enough allocatable
  registers from family family

IAS needs more registers than have been allocated by the virtual register allocation directives.

A1099 nesting level (number) of .include directive exceeded for
  included file file

This .include directive is nested beyond the IAS nesting limit. IAS allows up to 20 nested levels.