Line Information for Debugging Tools

Debug directives create line information used to create debug information in the object file. Each line information directive creates a debug record. The debug record points to the position of the code generated by the instruction following it. Two debug records cannot point to the same location. Therefore, make sure there are lines of code between two debug directives.

The line information reference in the debug record refers to the exact instruction slot in the bundle.

If you use the -d debug command-line option, IAS ignores the .bf, .ln, and .ef directives.

Use this general template to produce line information:

.file "source-file-name"
.proc entry [,...]
.bf entry, source-line-no

; prologue code

.ln source-line-no
; assembly code
.ln source-line-no

; assembly code

.ln source-line-no

; assembly code

.ef entry, source-line-no, procedure-size

; epilogue code

.endp [entry]