Warning Messages

These messages report valid but questionable use of the language being compiled. The compiler displays warnings by default. You can suppress warning messages by using the -W0 option. Warnings do not stop translation or linking. Warnings do not interfere with any output files. Some representative warning messages are:

constant truncated - precision too great

non-blank characters beyond column 72 ignored

Hollerith size exceeds that required by the context

Suppressing or Enabling Warning Messages

The warning messages report possible errors and use of non-standard features in the source file.

The following options suppress or enable warning messages.


Causes error and warning messages to be generated in a terse format:
"file", line no : error message

-cerrs- disables -cerrs.


Suppresses all warning messages.


Suppresses all warning messages generated by preprocessing and compilation. Error messages are still be displayed.


 Display warning messages. This is the default.


Suppresses warning messages about non-standard Fortran 95 features used.


On a bound check violation, issues a warning instead of an error. (This is to accommodate old FORTRAN code, in which array bounds of dummy arguments were frequently declared as 1.)

For example, the following command compiles newprog.f and displays compiler errors, but not warnings:

IA-32 compiler:

prompt>ifc -W0 newprog.f

Itanium(TM) compiler:

prompt>efc -W0 newprog.f