Diagnostics and Messages

Runtime Diagnostics (IA-32 Compiler only)




Equivalent to: (-CA, -CB, -CS, -CU, -CV) extensive runtime diagnostics options.


Use in conjunction with -d[n]. Checks for nil pointers/allocatable array references at runtime.


Use in conjunction with -d[n]. Generates runtime code to check that array subscript and substring references are within declared bounds.


Use in conjunction with -d[n]. Generates runtime code that checks for consistent shape of intrinsic procedure.


Use in conjunction with -d[n]. Generates runtime code that causes a runtime error if variables are used without being initialized.


Use in conjunction with -d[n]. On entry to a subprogram, tests the correspondence between the actual arguments passed and the dummy arguments expected. Both calling and called code must be compiled with -CV for the checks to be effective.


Set the level of diagnostic messages.

Compiler Information Messages




Disables the display of the compiler version (or sign-on) message: compiler ID, version, copyright years.


You can print a list and brief description of the most useful compiler driver options by specifying the -help option on the command line.


Displays compiler version information.


Shows driver tool commands and executes tools.


Shows driver tool commands, but does not execute tools.

Comment and Warning Messages




Suppresses all comment messages.


Enables/disables (default) a terse format for diagnostic messages, for example: "file", line no : error message


Suppresses all warning messages.


Suppresses all warning messages generated by preprocessing and compilation. Error messages are still be displayed.


Display warning messages. The compiler uses this option as the default.

-w90, -w95

Suppresses warning messages about non-standard Fortran features used.


On a bound check violation, issues a warning instead of an error. (accommodates old FORTRAN code, in which array bounds of dummy arguments were frequently declared as 1.)

Error Messages



-e90, e95

Enables issuing of errors rather than warnings for features that are non-standard Fortran.


Suppresses compiler output to standard error, _stderr. When -q is specified with -bd, then only fatal error messages are output to _stderr.