Compiling and Linking




Compile to object only (.o), do not link.


Link with alternate I/O library for mixed output with the C language.


Disables using ebp as general purpose register (no frame pointer).

-Kpic, -KPIC

Generate position-independent code.


Instructs linker to search dir for libraries.


Link with a library indicated in name. For example, -lm indicates to link with the math library.


Compile and link with non-thread-safe Fortran libraries.


Compile and link with thread-safe Fortran libraries.


Disable placement of zero-initialized variables in BSS (using Data).

-p, -qp

Compile and link for function profiling with UNIX prof tool.


Enable linking with POSIX library.


Produce assembly file named file.asm with optional code or source annotations. Do not link.


Enable (default) or disable saving of compiler options and version in the executable.


Compile file as Fortran source.


Enable linking with portability library.

IA-32: -Zp4
Itanium Compiler:  

Specifies alignment constraint for structures on n-byte boundary (n = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16). The -Zp16 option enables you to align Fortran structures such as common blocks. Default: A-32: -Zp4, Itanium Compiler: -Zp8

IA-32 applications


Avoid incorrect decoding of some 0f instructions; enable the patch for the Pentium® 0f erratum


Enable a software patch for the Pentium® processor FDIV erratum.


Produces objects through the assembler.


Support Microsoft style assembly language insertion using MASM format style and syntax and if requested, output assembly in MASM format.