Using the Assembler to Produce Object Code

By default, for IA-32, the compiler generates an object file directly without going through the assembler. If you need to generate assembly code from specific input source files, call the assembler version 991008 or higher. .

For example, if you want to link some specific input file to the Fortran project object file, do the following:

1. Issue command

prompt>ifc -S file1.f

to generate assembly code file, file1.s.

2. To assemble the file1.s file, call assembler (as) with this command:

prompt>as file1.s

The above command generates an file1.o object file which you can link with the Fortran object file(s) of the whole project.

Specific feature incompatible with assembly file usage is debug information generation using the -g option.

See Assembly File Code Example.