Set Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2

__m128d _mm_set_sd (double w)


Sets the lower DP FP value to w and sets the upper DP FP value to zero.

r0 := w

r1 := 0.0


__m128d _mm_set1_pd (double w)


Sets the 2 DP FP values to w.

r0 := w

r1 := w


__m128d _mm_set_pd (double w, double x)


Sets the lower DP FP value to x and sets the upper DP FP value to w.

r0 := x

r1 := w


__m128d _mm_setr_pd (double w, double x)


Sets the lower DP FP value to w and sets the upper DP FP value to x.

r0 := w

r1 := x


__m128d _mm_setzero_pd ()

(uses XORPD)

Sets the 2 DP FP values to zero.

r0 := 0.0

r1 := 0.0


__m128d _mm_move_sd ( __m128d a, __m128d b)

(uses MOVSD)

Sets the lower DP FP value to the lower DP FP value of b. The upper DP FP value is passed through from a.

r0 := b0

r1 := a1