Using -Qoptions Specificers

Option Description
ip_args_in_regs=0 Disables the passing of arguments in registers. By default, external functions can pass arguments in registers when called locally. Also by default, static functions can pass arguments in registers, provided the address of the function is not taken and the function does not use a variable number of arguments. Affects IA-32 compilations only.
ip_ninl_max_calls=n This option changes the default number of call-sites to inline. Note that n call-sites are inlined only if that many call-sites meet the minimum inline criteria. The default for n is 100. For more information, see the Criteria for Inline Function Expansion.
ip_ninl_max_stats=n Sets the allowable number of intermediate language statements and expressions for a function that is expanded inline. The number n is a positive integer. The number of intermediate language statements usually exceeds the actual number of source language statements. The default is set to the maximum number of 230.
ip_ninl_max_total_stats=n Each function can be expanded by a maximum of n intermediate language statements and expressions, which is set by this option. The number n is a positive integer. By default, each function can increase to a maximum of 2000 statements.