Utilities for Profile-guided Optimization

The profmerge and proforder tools are used when generating a function order list.

The profmerge Tool

Use profmerge to merge dynamic profile information (.dyn) files. The compiler executes this tool automatically during the feedback compilation phase when you specify -prof_use. You can also invoke it as follows:

This merges all .dyn files in the current directory or the directory specified by -prof_dir, and produces the summary file pgopti.dpi.

The proforder Tool

Use proforder to generate a function order list for use with the /ORDER linker option. The syntax for this tool is as follows:

prompt>proforder [-prof_dir dir_name] [-o order_file]

Argument Description


the directory containing the profile files (.dpi, .dyn, and .spi)


the optional name of the function order list file. The default name is proford.txt.

The proforder utility is used as part of the feedback compilation phase to improve program performance.