Environment Variables

You can customize your environment by specifying paths where the compiler can search for special files such as libraries and include files.

Compilation Environment Options

The Intel C++ Compiler installation includes shell scripts that you can use to set environment variables. From the command line, execute the shell script appropriate to your installation. You can find these scripts at the following locations (assuming you installed to the default directories):

Running the Shell Scripts

To run the iccvars.sh script, enter the following on the command line:

prompt: . /opt/intel/compiler50/ia32/bin/iccvars.sh

If you want the iccvars.sh to run automatically when you start Linux, edit your .bash_profile file and add the same line to the end of your file:
# set up environment for Intel Compiler icc
. /opt/intel/compiler50/ia32/bin/iccvars.sh