Branch Target Annotation

The branch target annotation precedes an indirect branch and explicitly provides the assembler with the branch target address for the branch instruction. This annotation applies only to the branch instruction that immediately follows the annotation. The annotation has the following syntax:			target1[=prob1] [,target2[=prob2]...]



Specifies the targets of the next indirect branch instruction. May be one of the following:

a label

If the label is not defined in the object file symbol table, or the next instruction is not an indirect branch, the assembler ignores this annotation.


The branch is not taken.


The branch jumps outside the current function.


A real number that indicates the probability that the associated branch target is taken.

The following examples illustrates a branch target annotation.

Using the Branch Target Annotation 1 a=0.6, b, @fallthrough=0.2, @external=0.1

Using the Branch Target Annotation 2 Target002


Target002 Is the name of a label in the procedure.