Mutex Relation Not Created with a Simple Compare

In the following code, p1, p2, and p3, are mutex since R10 can have only one value at a time. IAS fails to interpret the inherently mutex relation and reports three WAW dependency violations.

cmp.eq p1=1,r10
cmp.eq p2=2,r10
cmp.eq p3=3,r10;;
(p1) mov r4=r1
(p2) mov r4=r2
(p3) mov r4=r3

To resolve this, use the .pred.rel annotation of the "mutex" form:

cmp.eq p1=1,r10
cmp.eq p2=2,r10
cmp.eq p3=3,r10;;
.pred.rel “mutex”,p1,p2,p3
(p1) mov r4=r1
(p2) mov r4=r2

(p3) mov r4=r3