Intel(R) C++ Compiler 5.0.1 for Linux*
Release Notes


[Overview] [What's New] [Package Contents] [Documentation] [System Requirements] [Installation] [Known Limitations] [Resolved Issues] [Technical Support and Feedback]


This product provides tools for Linux* software developers to create applications to run on IA-32 and Intel(R) Itanium(TM)-based systems. It consists of the following: Note, the Intel C++ compiler for Itanium-based applications, ecc, is available as a cross compiler that runs on an IA-32 system and a native compiler that runs on an Itanium processor system. Future product releases may not contain the cross compiler for Itanium-based applications.

The paper, Optimizing Applications with the Intel(R) C++ and Fortran Compilers for Linux* , explains how to use the Intel compilers to optimize for the Pentium(R) 4 and Itanium processors and is available at Additional information on the Intel Software Development Products is available at

Compatibility with the GNU Compilers

The compilers have substantial compatibility with the GNU gcc compiler although this initial product release is not fully compatible with gcc. Additional details on the compatibility with gcc is available at

The following list has additional comments on the compiler package. See the Known Limitations section for additional information.

What's New

The Intel compilers for Linux support different Linux distributions depending on the package you install from the CD-ROM or download from our webstore. All of the different versions of the compiler are available on the CD-ROM. In addition, all of the different versions of the compiler are available for download from the Intel(R) Premier Support web site, see the Technical Support and Feedback section of this document for details on support.

The first package contains: The second package contains:

The compilers have been validated to run on the following Linux distributions: Red Hat 6.2 and Red Hat 7.1 for IA-32 processors and Turbolinux Beta 3 and Red Hat 7.1 Beta for Intel Itanium-based systems. Notes on using the Intel compilers for Linux on different Linux distributions are available online at

It is important to install the correct version of the compiler for your Linux distribution. For instance, the compiler for Red Hat 6.2 will not run under Red Hat 7.1 and simple hello world programs will not build.

The Linux Application Debugger 5.0 for IA-32 based applications (ldb) is available to debug C++ and Fortran applications. The ldb debugger provides improved debugging capabilities for Fortran applications, as well as features to display the MMX(TM), Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) and SSE2 registers in different formats. It also allows the modification of the floating point registers. It can be used from the command line, from within emacs or using DDD, the Data Display Debugger utility.

The Intel compilers for Linux running on IA-32 processors uses the GlobeTrotter* FLEXlm* electronic licensing technology. You need to obtain and install a valid license before the compilers can be successfully invoked from an IA-32 based system. The cross-compiler, which runs on an IA-32 based processor and generates Itanium-based applications, also requires a valid license. The native compiler for Itanium processors does not require a license. Instructions on installing the FLEXlm license are provided in the email sent to you with the license key. Detailed instructions for using FLEXlm are available online at If you have a problem with installing or using a license, please submit an issue to Premier Support. See the Technical Support and Feedback section of this document for details on support.

Package Contents

Intel C++ Compiler for IA-32 Based Applications

The Intel C++ compiler for IA-32 based applications contains the following components:

Intel C++ Compiler for Itanium-Based Applications

The Intel C++ compiler for Itanium-based applications contains the following components:

Direct object generation is supported by the icc compiler, but not by the ecc compiler. The ecc compiler generates assembler files, then invokes the assembler to generate object files. Currently, assembler files produced by the ecc compiler will only assemble with the Intel assembler, ias.

Compiler Drivers

The IA-32 icc compiler driver is provided for C language files and the icpc compiler driver for the C++ language. The compilers for Itanium-based applications use ecc and ecpc for the C and C++ languages, respectively. The compiler driver determines the language to use based on the filename extension. When compiling preprocessed files (*.i), the ecc (icc) driver assumes the C language and ecpc (icpc) assumes the C++ language. It is recommend to use the C++ compiler drivers for C++ applications.


The compiler and assembler documentation is presented in HTML format with full navigation, search, and hypertext capabilities and is viewable with your web browser. The documents also have PDF versions for easier printing via acroread*, the Acrobat* Reader for Linux.

The documentation is installed in the <install-dir>/compiler50/docs directory. Also, an HTML index document can be found at <install-dir>/compiler50/docs/ccompindex.htm. For information on the GNU glibc C language library, documentation can be obtained from the Linux OS vendor or from the GNU web site,

Viewing HTML Documentation

To view the HTML documentation with the Netscape* browser, the following options need to be enabled:
Edit-->Preferences-->Advanced-->enable Java
Edit-->Preferences-->Advanced-->enable JavaScript
Edit-->Preferences-->Advanced-->enable stylesheets

Viewing PDF Documentation Files

You can read the PDF files using the xpdf utility or install acroread, the Acrobat* Reader for Linux. It is recommended to view the PDF documentation with Acrobat running within Netscape as this provides additional navigation features. To enable Netscape to start acroread, acroread needs to be installed in a directory searched by your PATH environment variable and you need to edit the browser's preferences. NOTE: If acroread isn't configured correctly, you can overwrite the PDF files, requiring you to reinstall them. If improperly configured, the acroread browser may prompt you to Save-As file, which if you click OK can overwrite the PDF documentation files.

Perform these steps needed to update your preferences for acroread:

Edit-->Preferences-->Navigator--> Applications
Description: Portable Document Format
MIMEType: application/pdf
Suffixes: pdf
Application: acroread %s
Another method to configure acroread is to add the following entry in the file .mailcap in your home directory:
application/pdf; acroread %s
Depending on your version of the Netscape browser, you might need to disable (turn OFF) the "Automatically load images" option or the browser will freeze when you open the HTML documentation files, this means that you will then need to click on the images in the documentation if you want to see them while paging through the documentation with the browser. Turn OFF this option by clicking on: Edit-->Preferences-->Advanced-->Automatically load images and other data types.

System Requirements

IA-32 Processor System Requirements

Note, the IA-32 compiler and the cross-compiler for Itanium-based systems are run on a IA-32 based system.

Itanium Processor System Requirements

Note, the native compilers for Itanium-based systems run on an Itanium-based system.

Support for Additional Linux Distributions

The compilers have been validated to run on the following Linux distributions: Red Hat 6.2 and Red Hat 7.1 for IA-32 processors and Turbolinux Beta 3 and Red Hat 7.1 Beta for Intel Itanium-based systems. Notes on using the Intel compilers for Linux on different Linux distributions are available online at

Installation Notes

This section describes the installation of the IA-32 compiler and the cross compiler for Itanium-based applications on an IA-32 system followed by a section on how to install the native compiler for Itanium-based applications.

Installing IA-32 Compiler and Cross Compiler for Itanium-based Applications

Perform the following steps to install the IA-32 compiler and the cross compiler for Itanium-based applications, both run on an IA-32 based system.
  1. Download the compiler package, selecting the package for the correct Linux distribution or insert the product CD-ROM which contains both packages. For the CD-ROM, the file README.TXT on the CD-ROM explains the Linux distributions supported and which directory on the CD-ROM to run the install from.
  2. To install the compiler package, performing the following instructions:
    1. If you downloaded the compiler, untar the compiler package in a directory to which you have write access.
    2. Become the root user, needed to run the rpm command, and execute the install script in the directory where the tar file was extracted.
      If you do not have access to the root account, it is possible to install the compiler without root access by unpacking the RPM files with rpm2cpio and editing the (.csh) and (.csh) files to include the directory where the compiler is installed and the location of the FLEXlm license file. The install script automates this procedure.
    3. The Intel software products already installed will be listed, followed by a menu of products to install which includes:
      • Intel Compiler for Itanium architecture
      • Intel Compiler for 32-bit applications
      • Linux Application Debugger
    4. Select a package to install it. All necessary packages needed to use the product will also be installed. If a RPM package has already been installed, the install script will report this and say that the installation failed. It will then continue to the next RPM package that needs to be installed to use the product. The default RPM options -U --replacefiles are recommended to force the update of existing files. The recommended installation directory is /opt/intel.
    5. After installation, the Intel packages installed will be redisplayed, followed by a redisplay of the install menu. Enter 'x' to exit the install script.
  3. Setup the environment for the compiler via the script (.csh) for IA-32 based applications and (.csh) for Itanium-based applications.
  4. Install the FLEXlm license in the directory pointed to by the INTEL_FLEXLM_LICENSE variable, the default location is /opt/intel/licenses. If you downloaded the product, the license file will be sent via email. If you purchased the CD-ROM version of the compiler, the license file is available on the CD-ROM in the main directory. Additional instructions on using the FLEXlm license manager can be found at
  5. Run the compiler.

Installing the Native Compiler for Itanium-based Applications

Perform these steps to install the native compiler for Itanium-based applications. Note a FLEXlm license file is not required to use the native Itanium-based compiler.

  1. Download the compiler package, selecting the package for the correct Linux distribution or insert the product CD-ROM which contains both packages. For the CD-ROM, the file README.TXT on the CD-ROM explains the Linux distributions supported and which directory on the CD-ROM to run the install from.
  2. To install the compiler package, performing the following instructions:
    1. If you downloaded the compiler, untar the compiler package in a directory to which you have write access.
    2. Become the root user, needed to run the rpm command, and execute the install script.
      If you do not have access to the root account, it is possible to install the compiler without root access by unpacking the RPM files with rpm2cpio and editing the (.csh) and (.csh) files to include the directory where the compiler is installed. The install script automates this procedure.
    3. The Intel software products already installed will be listed, followed by a menu of products to install which includes:
      • Intel Compiler for Itanium architecture
    4. Select a package to install it. All necessary packages needed to use the product will also be installed. If a RPM package has already been installed, the install script will report this and say that the installation failed. It will then continue to the next RPM package that needs to be installed to use the product. The default RPM options -U --replacefiles are recommended to force the update of existing files. The recommended installation directory is /opt/intel.
    5. After installation, the Intel packages installed will be redisplayed, followed by a redisplay of the install menu. Enter 'x' to exit the install script.
  3. Setup the environment for the compiler via the script (.csh) located in <install-dir>/compiler50/ia64/bin/
  4. Run the compiler.

Compiler Environment and configuration scripts

The tools in this product rely on the environment variables IA32ROOT, IA64ROOT, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and INTEL_FLEXLM_LICENSE. The installation script (install) creates the compiler environment script files that set these variables and modifies the PATH variable to add the appropriate directories for the Intel compilers. These variables must be set correctly for the compiler to function properly; executing the script files before invoking the compilers will set them correctly.

Note: The script to setup the cross compiler for Itanium-based applications, that runs on an IA-32 system to generate Itanium-based applications, modifies the PATH variable so that the cross linker that will create Itanium-based applications will be called instead of the standard IA-32 system linker so you will not be able to link IA-32 executables without modifying your environment variables. This applies to linking IA-32 based applications with the Intel compiles or other compilers such as the GNU gcc compilers. Using separate command windows to build IA-32 applications and Itanium-based applications with the cross compiler will avoid the problem of having to modify your environment variables.

The names and locations of these scripts are:

The installation program also creates compiler configuration files named <install-dir>/compiler50/ia32/bin/icc.cfg and <install-dir>/compiler50/ia64/bin/ecc.cfg that contain common settings for all compilations. You can edit these files to add additional default options. Note, if you install a compile update package, you need to save the configuration file if you have modified it to another filename so that the installation doesn't overwrite your modified file.

Please register for support after you install this product. See Technical Support and Feedback for registration instructions.

Installation Warnings

Installation Warning for RPM 4.0.2

The installation script, install, cannot install to a non-default directory when running RPM 4.0.2. This is the version of RPM that is distributed with Red Hat 7.1. For this reason, you currently must install the compilers in the default directory, /opt/intel when running RPM 4.0.2. Please see the FAQ's for the C++ Linux compiler at for more information on this issue.

Installation Warning for Intel C++ and Fortran compilers in Different Directories

It is not recommended to install the Intel C++ compiler for Linux and the Intel Fortran compiler for Linux in different directories The two compiler packages share common files and the default RPM options in the install script prevent the compilers to work correctly when installed in different directories. For this reason, it is recommended to install the compilers in the same directory.

Uninstalling the compilers

To uninstall the compilers, you need to become the root user to run RPM. An uninstall script is provided to uninstall the compiler packages.

Known Limitations

Please click on the appropriate link below to see additional notes and known limitations in the latest version of the compiler.

Resolved Customer Support Issues

Please click on the appropriate link below to see which issues have been resolved in the latest version of the compiler.

Technical Support and Feedback

Your feedback is very important to us. To receive technical support for the tools provided in this product and technical information including FAQ's and compiler updates, you need to be registered for an Intel Premier Support account on our secure web site,

If you currently have a Premier Support account for any other product, or do not have a Premier Support account at all, you must register for access to support for this product, "Intel C++ Compiler for Linux*". You can register for an Intel Premier Support account at Compiler support information, including top technical issues, is available at

Submitting Issues

To submit an issue via the Intel Premier Support website, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to You need to have Java* and Javascript* enabled in your web browser to submit an issue.
  2. Type in your Login and Password. Both are case-sensitive.
  3. Click the "Submit" button.
  4. Read the Confidentiality Statement and click the "I Accept" button.
  5. Click on the "Go" button next to the "Product" drop-down list.
  6. Click on the "Submit Issue" link in the left navigation bar.
  7. Choose "Initiatives, technologies & tools" from the "Product Type" drop-down list.
  8. If this is a software or license-related issue choose " Intel(R) C++ Compiler" from the "Product Name" drop-down list. If this is a hardware-related issue with an Itanium-based system choose "Workstation SDV (Itanium(TM) Processor)" or "Server SDV (Itanium(TM) Processor)" from the "Product Name" drop-down list.
  9. Enter your question and complete the fields in the windows that follow to successfully submit the issue.

Please follow these guidelines when forming your problem report or product suggestion:

A technical support engineer will respond within one (1) Intel business day.

Copyright and Legal Information

Intel, Pentium, MMX and Itanium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries
* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others

Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.