#!/usr/explorer/bin/explorer cxLattice plain 1.0 # This is a 2D height field. # It's a 2D uniform lattice with 1 data variable. # nDim, number of dimensions. 2 # dims, the vector of dimensions. 9 5 # nDataVar, number of data variables at each node. 1 # primType, primitive type of data. 1 # coordType, coordinate type. 0 # nSteps, number of data structures in the file. 1 # nCoordVar (Curvilinear lattices only). # coordinate values. For uniform lattices, these are the bounding box # values. -1 1 -1 1 # data values for step = 1 .. nSteps. Data vector at each node. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4798 8866 11584 12539 11584 8866 4798 0 0 8866 16383 21406 23169 21406 16383 8866 0 0 11584 21406 27968 30272 27968 21406 11584 0 0 12539 23169 30272 32767 30272 23169 12539 0