IRIS Explorer, Release 4.0 IESG640NA Silicon Graphics, IRIX 6 Installers' Note Contents 1. General Information 1.1. Introduction 1.2. Hardware Requirements 1.3. Software Requirements 1.4. Distribution Medium 1.5. IRIS Explorer Subsystems 1.6. IRIS Explorer Subsystem Disk Space Requirements 2. Installation 2.1. Installation Method 2.2. Environment Variables 2.3. License Management 2.3.1. Installing an Uncounted License 2.3.2. Installing a Counted License and FLEXlm on Unix 2.3.3. Installing a Counted License and FLEXlm on Microsoft Windows NT 2.4. Quick Test 3. Further Information 3.1. Online Documentation 3.2. Configuration Files 3.3. Running over a Network 3.4. Building Modules that use Open Inventor 3.5. Other Installation Information 3.6. Icons under the 4Dwm Window Manager 4. Support from NAG 1. General Information 1.1. Introduction This document is essential reading for the NAG Site Contact responsible for installation and maintenance of the IRIS Explorer implementation specified in the title. The installer will be provided with a printed copy of this document (Installers' Note). The use of all supplied software must be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Software Licence signed by NAG and each site. Any request to use NAG software on a computer other than the one licensed must be referred to NAG (see Section 4). 1.2. Hardware Requirements Hardware supported by IRIX 6.5: O2, Octane, Onyx2, Origin, Indy, Indigo, Indigo2, POWER Indigo2, Onyx, POWER Onyx, CHALLENGE, POWER CHALLENGE Hardware supported by IRIX 6.2: Indigo R4K, Indigo2, Crimson, Indy, CHALLENGE, Onyx, Onyx Extreme, POWER Challenge, Power Onyx, POWER Indigo2, CHALLENGE 10000, POWER CHALLENGE 10000 The minimum memory requirement is 24Mb; 32Mb is recommended. When visualizing very large datasets or using many modules, you need more physical memory to perform the calculations efficiently without virtual memory paging (swapping). Z-buffering is required for proper rendering. Systems that do not have z-buffering are IRIS Indigo XS, Indigo XS24. Indigo-quality audio is required for correct operation of certain modules in the modules subsystem. All such modules have Audio in their names. 1.3. Software Requirements This system has been developed under IRIX 6.5, and will also run on IRIX 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4. It will not work with earlier versions of IRIX. IRIS Explorer executables and modules use the n32 ABI. When installing IRIX the o32 Dynamic Shared Objects (DSOs) are installed by default. Therefore the relevant n32 subsystems need to be selected explicitly for installation in order to run IRIS Explorer and its modules. These are as follows: c++_eoe.sw32 Standard Execution Software (N32bit) c_eoe.sw32 Standard Execution Software (N32bit) compiler_eoe.sw32 IRIX Standard Execution Environment Software (N32) eoe.sw32 IRIX N32 Libraries ftn77_eoe.sw32 Standard Execution Environment Software motif_eoe.sw32 Execution Only Environment Software (n32) x_eoe.sw32 X11 n32 Execution Environment NOTE: Earlier releases of IRIS Explorer required specific versions of the Open Inventor and ImageVision libraries to be installed from the SGI distribution. In this release, that requirement has been removed. This release contains its own version of those libraries which will be installed under $EXPLORERHOME along with the rest of the IRIS Explorer system. Because these libraries are not installed in a system directory, they will not conflict with any local versions of these libraries installed on the system. IRIS Explorer modules automatically link at run time against the libraries installed under $EXPLORERHOME. See Section 3.4 below for information about compiling modules which use Open Inventor directly. For displaying the output of modules in $EXPLORERHOME/opengl/modules (including the Render module), a display that renders OpenGL(tm) is required. More specifically, if the X display does not support OpenGL, the module will exit with an error like: Render: Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display "otley:0.0". If this occurs, you may wish to switch to versions of these modules which have been built using Mesa, a public domain OpenGL-like library, which will render to a pure X display. See Section 3.3 below for more information on the use of the CXGLTYPE environment variable to select these modules. An HTML browser such as Netscape Navigator is required to read the on-line documentation. After having successfully installed and tested IRIS Explorer 4.0, you may wish to remove an older version. See Section 3.5 for information on how to do this. 1.4. Distribution Medium The implementation is distributed as a set of tar files on a CD-ROM, which also contains an installation script, unless otherwise indicated on the medium and accompanying despatch note. 1.5. IRIS Explorer Subsystems The IRIS Explorer distribution includes the following subsystems. explorer.eoe IRIS Explorer Map Editor, DataScribe, run-time dynamic shared objects and associated controllers. This is the basic execution environment for the Map Editor and DataScribe subsystems. Also includes IRIS Explorer utility, application programming interface (API), and header file man pages (sections 1, 3 and 4) from the IRIS Explorer Reference Pages document. explorer.modules IRIS Explorer module executables and man pages. This release includes 248 modules. See also the subsystem explorer.unsupported for other modules. explorer.unsupported IRIS Explorer module executables and man pages contributed by users. These modules are provided as-is without support from NAG. This subsystem includes any credit files for individual modules; these files are also contained in the explorer.source subsystem. This release includes 90 such modules. IRIS Explorer module development environment, including the Module Builder utility. This includes header files and other utilities required to create new IRIS Explorer modules. explorer.source IRIS Explorer module source code for 181 IRIS Explorer modules, which you can customize and/or use for coding examples. IRIS Explorer sample data files. These are needed to run the tutorials in Chapter 1 of the IRIS Explorer User's Guide. In addition, several other datasets are included for your use. explorer.license IRIS Explorer license management daemons and associated files. explorer.books An introductory tutorial, plus a four volume manual set (IRIS Explorer User's Guide, Reference Pages, Module Writer's Guide, Collaborative User's Guide) as well as newsletters, user stories and example images in HTML format. explorer.doc The Installer's Note (this file) and the Release Note, which gives a short description of IRIS Explorer 4.0 and its new features. 1.6. IRIS Explorer Subsystem Disk Space Requirements Subsystem Name Subsystem Size (Mbytes) explorer.books 18.4 explorer.license 15.8 10.0 explorer.doc 0.1 4.6 explorer.eoe 46.2 explorer.modules 30.2 explorer.source 9.9 explorer.unsupported 14.1 ----- Total 149.3 2. Installation 2.1. Installation Method The distribution on the CD consists of the following files: explorer.install - installation script explorer.eoe.tar.Z explorer.modules.tar.Z explorer.unsupported.tar.Z explorer.source.tar.Z explorer.license.tar.Z explorer.books.tar.Z explorer.doc.tar.Z The *.tar.Z files correspond to the IRIS Explorer subsystems as described in Section 1.5. To install the software you should execute the explorer.install script on the CD. For example, if the CD is mounted at /cdrom you should do the following: cd /cdrom ./explorer.install This script will install IRIS Explorer into a single directory which you wil be prompted for. The default location for old versions (prior to 4.0) of IRIS Explorer was /usr/explorer; if this is selected as the installation directory for IRIS Explorer 4.0, the script will check to see if it already exists. If it does, it issues a warning message and exits (to prevent the old version being overwritten). See Section 3.5 if you wish to delete the old version of IRIS Explorer. The installation script can be used to install all the IRIS Explorer subsystems or just a subset. 2.2. Environment Variables Several environment variables - including EXPLORERHOME, the location of the IRIS Explorer installation - need to be set for IRIS Explorer users. These are all set in the file sample.cshrc, which can itself be found in the EXPLORERHOME directory. Before running IRIS Explorer, a user must 'source' this file, (preferably) by copying the appropriate command to the end of their .cshrc file. Thus, for example, if IRIS Explorer has been installed in /usr/local/explorer, the following command must be added to the end of each user's .cshrc file: % source /usr/local/explorer/sample.cshrc When building modules, there is a set of variables which may be used to control the operation: EXPLORERUSERHOME, CXINSTALLSTRIPPED, CXINSTALLSYMBOLIC, CXBUILDSHARED. See $EXPLORERHOME/sample.cshrc for a discussion of these. 2.3. License Management The use of IRIS Explorer is controlled by the FLEXlm network license management system (FLEXlm is a registered trademark of GLOBEtrotter Software Inc). This release of IRIS Explorer uses version 6.1 of FLEXlm. The remainder of this section describes how a FLEXlm license key should be installed to enable the use of IRIS Explorer. Further details about FLEXlm and how it may be configured to suit your local circumstances are included in the FLEXlm End User Manual and FAQ supplied in the directory $EXPLORERHOME/license/htmlman. NAG usually provides a license key of one of two types; uncounted and counted licenses. Uncounted licenses which expire after a short period are issued to potential users of IRIS Explorer who wish to try out the product before buying it; these are sometimes called DEMONSTRATION or EVALUATION licenses. Uncounted licenses are also issued if you have bought IRIS Explorer for use on a specific machine. An uncounted license key consists of one FEATURE or INCREMENT line for each product licensed, for example: FEATURE IRIS_Explorer NAG 4.000 31-oct-1999 0 \ CBDA2041DC1BC45D2B68 "ANY" 80896b27 This enables an unlimited number of instances of version 4.0 of the application IRIS_Explorer until the date specified on the system with hostid 80896b27 only. Note that the line is continued by escaping the newline character with '\'. Counted licenses are suitable for networks of machines. Such networks may consist of machines which are all the same type, or some machines may be different. A counted license allows you to run a number of IRIS Explorer sessions concurrently on any computer on the network. When IRIS Explorer starts it communicates with the FLEXlm daemon (lmgrd) running on some computer on the network (the license server). lmgrd requests an IRIS Explorer license from the NAG daemon. Depending on the license details and the number of IRIS Explorer sessions that are already running on the network, the request is granted or denied. Due to the complexity of the installation you are advised to have counted licenses installed by your system administrator. Counted licenses are sometimes referred to as NETWORK licenses. A counted license key specifies the license server and the location of the NAG daemon in addition to one FEATURE or INCREMENT line for each product licensed, for example: SERVER derwent 55001341 7312 DAEMON NAG /usr/local/flexlm/naglm/bin/NAG FEATURE IRIS_Explorer NAG 4.000 31-oct-1999 7 \ CBDA2041DC1BC45D2B68 "SG6," This nominates the license server with hostname derwent, hostid 55001341 using communications 'port number' 7312. The full path to the NAG daemon is specified on the second line. Up to 7 concurrent IRIS Explorer sessions are allowed. Note that the FEATURE line is continued by escaping the newline character with '\'. The server hostname, port number and path to the NAG daemon are the only items that may be changed. The port number should be chosen so that it does not conflict with other applications (not mentioned in this license file) managed by FLEXlm. For uncounted licenses it is sufficient to install the license; no other licensing software is required and these licenses are therefore easy to install. Counted licenses also require the installation of the license daemon, the NAG daemon and the FLEXlm utility programs. Only one license daemon and NAG daemon are required per network. They must both be installed on the license server. Any machine on the network may be the license server. You need to consider which machine is most suitable. It should be a machine that is always up and running when anyone on the network is likely to be running IRIS Explorer. It also needs to have an architecture and operating system that is supported by FLEXlm. The following are supported: alpha_n3 - DEC Alpha AXP Microsoft Windows NT alpha_u4 - DEC Alpha AXP Digital UNIX hp700_u9 - Hewlett Packard 9000/700 series HP-UX i86_l1 - Intel 80x86 Linux with libc 5 (e.g. RedHat 4.x) i86_g2 - Intel 80x86 Linux with Gnu-libc (e.g. RedHat 5.x) i86_n3 - Intel 80x86 Microsoft Windows (NT and 95) rs6000_u3 - IBM RISC System/6000 AIX sgi32_u5 - Silicon Graphics IRIX version 5 sgi32_u6 - Silicon Graphics IRIX version 6 sun4_u4 - Sun 4 (SPARC) SunOS version 4 sun4_u5 - Sun 4 (SPARC) SunOS version 5 (Solaris) An uncounted license may be a simple time expiring or demonstration license or it may be bound to a specified computer through the hostid. If you have negotiated a time expiring demonstration license you will not need to supply the hostid. NAG will provide the license key which should be installed as described in Section 2.3.1. For a longer term uncounted or counted license you will have to inform NAG of the hostname and hostid. To obtain the hostid, locate the FLEXlm utility program 'lmutil' in the appropriate subdirectory of $EXPLORERHOME/license/bin, and run it with argument 'lmhostid'. 2.3.1. Installing an Uncounted License Store the text of the license key in a file, say /usr/local/lib/nag/license.demo The location of this file must be made known to the NAG application by setting the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE to the full pathname of the file before the application is invoked. For example, in the C-shell, type: setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE /usr/local/lib/nag/license.demo or in the Bourne shell, type: LM_LICENSE_FILE=/usr/local/lib/nag/license.demo export LM_LICENSE_FILE No other actions are required to install an uncounted license, and you may skip to Section 2.4. 2.3.2. Installing a Counted License and FLEXlm on Unix If your license server is already running FLEXlm v6.1 or later for a NAG product, add the FEATURE line for IRIS Explorer to your existing license file and use the lmreread utility. The only other action required in this case is to ensure that the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE is set as described below. Apart from this, the remainder of this section may be skipped. Store the text of the license key in a file on the license server, say /usr/local/flexlm/naglm/license.dat, ensuring that the word after SERVER is the network name of the license server and the path on the DAEMON line is /usr/local/flexlm/naglm/bin/NAG. On the system(s) where IRIS Explorer is to be run, set the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE to "port@host", where port is the port number on the SERVER line and host is the hostname of the license server. For example, in the C-shell, type: setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE 7312@derwent or in the Bourne shell, type: LM_LICENSE_FILE=7312@derwent export LM_LICENSE_FILE If IRIS Explorer is to be used on the license server only, LM_LICENSE_FILE may be set to the full pathname to the license file. Copy the FLEXlm daemons and utilities from the appropriate sub-directory of $EXPLORERHOME/license/bin into /usr/local/flexlm/naglm/bin on the license server (this should be on a local filesystem, not NFS). With /usr/local/flexlm/naglm/bin as the current directory, execute the script $EXPLORERHOME/license/bin/mklinks to make links from lmutil to the FLEXlm utility command names that are used in the documentation. Ensure that the SERVER line in the license file is the same as that printed by mklinks. Set the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE to the full path of the license file and enter the command ./lmgrd to start the license manager. If any problems are reported, rectify them using the information in the FLEXlm End User Manual and FAQ. Stop the license manager with the command ./lmdown. lmgrd should be started on the license server whenever the run level changes into multi-user mode. You need to be 'root' to arrange this, but lmgrd does not have to be run as root so you should set up a non-privileged username, for example flexrun. An appropriate entry in /etc/passwd would be: flexrun:*:22:22:Runs FLEXlm lmgrd only:/nonexistent:/bin/sh This example places flexrun in group 22, which should be lmadmin. The entry in /etc/group is: lmadmin:*:22:root,flexrun In the scripts executed by init, lmgrd should be started with a command like: su flexrun -c "umask 022; /usr/local/flexlm/naglm/bin/lmgrd \ -c /usr/local/flexlm/naglm/license.dat -2 -p \ -l /usr/local/flexlm/naglm/lmgrd.log" Refer to the FLEXlm End User Manual for a full description of the possible arguments to lmgrd. 2.3.3. Installing a Counted License and FLEXlm on Microsoft Windows NT In this subsection, we assume that drive C: is the Windows system drive. If your WINNT directory is on another drive, use the proper drive letter in all paths. If your license server is already running FLEXlm v6.1 or later for a NAG product, add the FEATURE line for IRIS Explorer to your existing license file and use the Reread option of the lmtools utility. The only other action required in this case is to ensure that the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE is set as described below. Apart from this, the remainder of this section may be skipped. Store the text of the license key in a file on the license server, say C:\FLEXLM\NAGLM\LICENSE.DAT, ensuring that the word after SERVER is the network name of the license server and the path on the DAEMON line is C:\FLEXLM\NAGLM\BIN\NAG.EXE. The file must be saved as a simple text file. On the system(s) where IRIS Explorer is to be run, set the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE to "port@host", where port is the port number on the SERVER line and host is the hostname of the license server. For example, in the C-shell, type: setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE 7312@derwent or in the Bourne shell, type: LM_LICENSE_FILE=7312@derwent export LM_LICENSE_FILE Copy the contents of $EXPLORERHOME/license/bin/intel_n3 (or alpha_n3) into C:\FLEXLM\NAGLM\BIN on the license server. Also copy FLEXLM.CPL and LMGR326B.DLL into C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32. Open an MS-DOS Command Prompt window, change directory to C:\FLEXLM\NAGLM and type the command: bin\lmgrd -app -c C:\FLEXLM\NAGLM\LICENSE.DAT This will start the license manager and report its success or failure. If any problems are reported, rectify them using the information in the FLEXlm End User Manual and FAQ. To terminate the license manager, open another MS-DOS Command Prompt window, change directory to C:\FLEXLM\NAGLM and type the command: bin\lmutil lmdown -c C:\FLEXLM\NAGLM\LICENSE.DAT The license manager is most easily controlled by the FLEXlm Control Panel extension as described in Chapter 6.13 of the FLEXlm End User Manual. Use the Service Name "FLEXlm License Manager for NAG". 2.4. Quick Test Assuming that you have installed in /usr/local/explorer and completed the installation procedure detailed in the previous section, you can test some basic functionality as follows: % source /usr/local/explorer/sample.cshrc % explorer -map $EXPLORERHOME/maps/ This draws a simple 3D model which you can rotate with the mouse. Try any other maps in the $EXPLORERHOME/maps directory. 3. Further Information 3.1. Online Documentation A full set of documentation in online hypertext format is provided with this release of IRIS Explorer. The root of the online distribution is at $EXPLORERHOME/doc/html/index.htm The documentation can be viewed by any suitable HTML browser such as Netscape Navigator. For example, if you are using Netscape Navigator from your shell window, type netscape $EXPLORERHOME/doc/html/index.htm The documentation set comprises an introductory tutorial, plus a four volume manual set for the system: IRIS Explorer User's Guide IRIS Explorer Reference Pages IRIS Explorer Module Writer's Guide IRIS Explorer Collaborative Users' Guide as well as newsletters, user stories and example images. The documentation also contains external links to IRIS Explorer sites on the WWW; use of these requires your machine to be connected to the Internet. 3.2. Configuration Files The default preferences file for IRIS Explorer is $EXPLORERHOME/Explorer.config. It contains the default locations of modules and maps, establishes module categories, and sets the shared memory arena size. You can customize your own preferences by editing the sample.explorerrc file in $EXPLORERHOME and saving the updated copy under the name .explorerrc in your home directory. 3.3. Running over a Network A number of modules that use OpenGL for rendering are available in versions that render via X using the Mesa OpenGL-like graphics library. Specifically, these are ColorEditor, Render, RenderRemote, TransformGen, ViewGeom and VolumeRender. This distribution contains two versions of the executable for each of these modules - one which has been dynamically linked with the OpenGL library, and one which has been statically linked with the Mesa library. For each module, the two versions are installed in $EXPLORERHOME/opengl/modules and $EXPLORERHOME/mesagl/modules, respectively. The OpenGL-based modules will only render on an OpenGL-capable display - specifically, one where the X server has the GKX extension. If this is missing, the module will exit with an error message like: Render: Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display "otley:0.0". The Mesa-based modules will render on any X display, but, since they do not usually take advantage of 3D hardware acceleration, with a comparative performance penalty. When the map editor starts up, it uses the value of the environment variable CXGLTYPE to determine which version of these modules to use. Set CXGLTYPE to OPENGL or MESAGL to select the OpenGL or Mesa-based modules. In addition, you can launch the modules individually by using the Open... option on the Module Librarian File menu. The Mesa library is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (see the LICENSE file in $EXPLORERHOME/mesagl/modules for details). The six executables above have been built without modification to the library. The source to each module (with the exception of RenderRemote, which is built from the same source as Render) is distributed in $EXPLORERHOME/src, and the source to the Mesa library is available from 3.4. Building Modules that use Open Inventor Release 4.0 of IRIS Explorer uses Open Inventor (version 2.5) and MasterSuite (version 3.0) libraries supplied by Template Graphics Software (TGS). These shared libraries are installed in $EXPLORERHOME/lib, and automatically get loaded at run-time by standard IRIS Explorer modules. Previous releases of IRIS Explorer use SGI's version of Open Inventor. If you wish to build your own modules which use Open Inventor directly (i.e. which include Inventor header files), you must compile against the TGS versions of the Inventor header files. These header files are not supplied with the IRIS Explorer distribution; they can be obtained from TGS at or from the TGS mirror site This distribution must be installed in a directory which is searched by the preprocessor on the include file search path before the location of the SGI Inventor header files (which are usually in /usr/include/Inventor). Use the Includes slot on the module builder to specify the location of the TGS Inventor header files. If this is not done, the SGI Inventor header files will be picked up by the preprocessor and, although the module will probably compile and link without apparent error, it will not execute properly at run-time. Note that this applies only to modules which use Open Inventor directly. If you are building a module which processes geometry via the IRIS Explorer API (i.e. through calls like cxGeoSpheresDefine), no special action needs to be taken, as this type of module will automatically pick up the correct header files and libraries. 3.5. Other Installation Information Most modules built under IRIS Explorer version 3.5 will work in IRIS Explorer 4.0. If your module does not appear to work it may be necessary to recompile and relink the module. Due to the changes in Open Inventor, modules using Open Inventor may need to be revised to accept the new Inventor classes. Modules from this installation will not run within a pre-release 4.0 installation of IRIS Explorer. Module resource files, map files, DataScribe script files, and saved lattice or pyramid files have not changed in structure between versions 3.5 and 4.0. After having successfully installed and tested IRIS Explorer 4.0, you may wish to remove an older version. Prior to version 4.0, IRIS Explorer was installed and managed using the IRIX inst(1M) tool. To remove the old version, use the IRIX versions(1M) command: % versions remove explorer which will remove any versions of IRIS Explorer that had been installed using inst. The files will be deleted from the system, and explorer will be removed from inst's list of installed software subsystems. Note that this will not affect IRIS Explorer 4.0, because this is not installed using inst. 3.6. Icons under the 4Dwm Window Manager Earlier releases of IRIS Explorer for SGI platforms installed icons to be used by the window manager when IRIS Explorer, the Module Builder or the DataScribe are iconised. With release 4.0, it is no longer necessary to have root privilege to install IRIS Explorer. For this reason, the icon files which were originally installed as symbolic links in the system directory /usr/lib/images, are no longer installed. If you would like to use the icons, you can add the lines: *Explorer.iconImage:$EXPLORERHOME/lib/images/explorer.icon *Dscribe.iconImage:$EXPLORERHOME/lib/images/explorer.icon *Mbuilder.iconImage:$EXPLORERHOME/lib/images/explorer.icon *skmEditor.iconImage:$EXPLORERHOME/lib/images/explorer.icon (but replacing $EXPLORERHOME by the actual installation directory of IRIS Explorer - the resource will not be interpreted properly otherwise) to your $HOME/.Xdefaults file (or $HOME/.Sgiresources file). This must be done for the HOME directories of each individual user of IRIS Explorer. Alternatively, if you do have root privilege, you may install symbolic links in the system directory: % cd /usr/lib/images % ln -s $EXPLORERHOME/lib/images/explorer.icon Explorer.icon % ln -s $EXPLORERHOME/lib/images/explorer.icon Dscribe.icon % ln -s $EXPLORERHOME/lib/images/explorer.icon Mbuilder.icon % ln -s $EXPLORERHOME/lib/images/explorer.icon skmEditor.icon thus removing the need for each user to make the change. 4. Support from NAG (a) Contact with NAG Queries concerning this document or the implementation generally should be directed initially to your local Advisory Service. If you have difficulty in making contact locally, you can write to NAG directly, at one of the supplied addresses. Users subscribing to the support service are encouraged to contact the IRIS Explorer Centers (see below). The NAG Response Centres are available for general enquiries from all users. (b) IRIS Explorer Centers The IRIS Explorer Center is available for technical queries from sites with an annually licensed product or support service. The IRIS Explorer Centers are open during office hours, but contact is possible by fax, email and phone (answering machine) at all times. When contacting the IRIS Explorer Centers please quote your NAG user reference and NAG product code. The locations are: IRIS Explorer Center (Europe) Wilkinson House Jordan Hill Road OXFORD OX2 8DR United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1865 516377 Fax: +44 (0)1865 516388 email: WWW: IRIS Explorer Center (North America) 1400 Opus Place, Suite 200 Downers Grove IL 60515-5702 USA Tel: +1 630 971 2367 Fax: +1 630 971 2346 email: WWW: IRIS Explorer Center Japan (IECJ) Nagashima Building 2F 2-24-3 Higashi Shibuya-ku Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 (0)3 5485 2901 Fax: +81 (0)3 5485 2903 email: WWW: (c) NAG Website The NAG Website is an information service providing items of interest to users and prospective users of NAG products and services. The information is regularly updated and reviewed and includes implementation availability, descriptions of products, downloadable software and technical reports. The NAG Website can be accessed at or (in the USA) or (in Japan) Appendix - supplied addresses NAG Ltd Wilkinson House Jordan Hill Road OXFORD OX2 8DR NAG Ltd Response Centre United Kingdom email: Tel: +44 (0)1865 511245 Tel: +44 (0)1865 311744 Fax: +44 (0)1865 310139 Fax: +44 (0)1865 311755 NAG Inc 1400 Opus Place, Suite 200 Downers Grove IL 60515-5702 NAG Inc Response Center USA email: Tel: +1 630 971 2337 Tel: +1 630 971 2345 Fax: +1 630 971 2706 Fax: +1 630 971 2346 NAG GmbH Schleissheimerstrasse 5 D-85748 Garching Deutschland Tel: +49 (0)89 3207395 Fax: +49 (0)89 3207396 Nihon NAG KK Nagashima Building 2F 2-24-3 Higashi Shibuya-ku Tokyo Japan email: Tel: +81 (0)3 5485 2901 Fax: +81 (0)3 5485 2903