#---------- wmap2dp fixed parameter file -------------------- # Spatial dimension dim := 1 # Number of time steps stored, during evolution step 1 -> np1, 2 -> n num_evo_tl := 2 # Which time level is identified as initial for purposes of initial data computation ic_n := 2 # Number and names of variables (grid functions) that have evolution equations num_hyperbolic_vars := 2 hyperbolic_vars := [ "ph" "pi" ] # No elliptic equations in this case num_elliptic_vars_t0 := 0 num_MG_cnst_data_vars := 0 num_elliptic_vars := 0 # Number and names of "derived" (work) variables that are to be defined on the AMR hierarchy num_AMRH_work_vars := 3 AMRH_work_vars := [ "ph_res" "pi_res" "rh" ] # Again, no elliptic equations here num_MGH_work_vars := 0 # Application name app_name := ["1d (equivariant) wave map"] # Number of ghost points in each of the coordinate directions used for the purposes of # parallelization via rectangular domain decomposition with overlaps ghost_width := [2] # Initial time t0 := 0 # Number and names of variables to be injected from child to parent grids at # synchronization times num_amr_inject := 2 amr_inject := [ "ph" "pi" ] # Number and names of variables to have ghost-region-values synchronized num_amr_sync := 2 amr_sync := [ "ph" "pi" ] # Number and names of variables whose boundary values are set via fourth order # spatial interpolation and second order temporal interpolation of parent-grid values num_amr_interp4 := 2 amr_interp4 := [ "ph" "pi" ] # Number and names of variables that are initialized on a new fine grid either by # transfer of extant fine grid values, or via fourth order spatial interpolation # of coarse grid (parent) values num_amr_transfer4 := 2 amr_transfer4 := [ "ph" "pi" ] # Number and names of variables that are smoothed via KO fourth-order dissipation # before a time step begins (level n values) num_tn_diss_vars := 2 tn_diss_vars := [ "ph" "pi" ] # Number and names of variables that are smoothed via KO fourth-order dissipation # following a regrid num_rg_diss_vars := 2 rg_diss_vars := [ "ph" "pi" ] #-----------------------------------------------------